Here is one of my POEMS tell me what u think... i wrote it about my exhusband when he left with my BEST FRIEND of 13 years!!!!!
heatherbakapink (heatherbakapink) wrote,
@ 2005-08-26 16:16:00
Current mood: artistic
The clouds begin to move across the crimson sky, sunset turns into night, & there's a storm coming into this heart of mine.
The rain begins to fall (so much pain), within i cry. I can't let you go because i know... it could be for the last time!
Lightening Strikes, This heart of mine & ANGER fills my soul. I was better off knowing the TRUTH but LIES are all you know!
Here I am BROKEN all you've taken was STOLEN. I would have given it all, just for the cause. Now it's all LOST in a sea of CHAOS.... Your lies and deceit all wrapped up with a bow. The prettiest paper but the contents unknown. So i opened it up & what did i see? Your LIES were EXPOSED... the devil was disguised as an angelic host!!!!!
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dedicated to: Richard Davis Jr.
2005-08-26 21:52 (link)
thank you, as stupid as this may be, you taught me A LOT!!!!! Divorced but NO HARD FEELINGS BABE!!!!
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heatherbakapink (heatherbakapink) wrote,
@ 2005-08-26 16:16:00
Current mood: artistic
The clouds begin to move across the crimson sky, sunset turns into night, & there's a storm coming into this heart of mine.
The rain begins to fall (so much pain), within i cry. I can't let you go because i know... it could be for the last time!
Lightening Strikes, This heart of mine & ANGER fills my soul. I was better off knowing the TRUTH but LIES are all you know!
Here I am BROKEN all you've taken was STOLEN. I would have given it all, just for the cause. Now it's all LOST in a sea of CHAOS.... Your lies and deceit all wrapped up with a bow. The prettiest paper but the contents unknown. So i opened it up & what did i see? Your LIES were EXPOSED... the devil was disguised as an angelic host!!!!!
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dedicated to: Richard Davis Jr.
2005-08-26 21:52 (link)
thank you, as stupid as this may be, you taught me A LOT!!!!! Divorced but NO HARD FEELINGS BABE!!!!
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aaaawwwwwwww thank u! thats very sweet