"DEATH BY UNLAWFUL TAKING" As if shit in my life wasn't bad enough yesterday. . . I gotta call from a VERY close friend of mine who NOW has cancer for the 3rd time & the doctors say she will not make it thru this time!
it is a very rare form. this is a person who was str8 edge her WHOLE LIFE even a Vegan and AN AMAZING PERSON all around! HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN? HOW? IT'S NOT FAIR! TAKE THE PLETHERA OF DESERVING PEOPLE BUT NOT HER! i almost called my MOM 2 tell her the news about Miss Kris and couldn't cuz she was HOPE for my mom is is also fighting CANCER and HEP C!!!! i don't want her 2 know that Miss Kris is going 2 die! If there is a god. . . PLEASE SAVE HER, PLEASE! that is all. I NEED U TO STAND WITH ME ON THIS SO HERE IS A PICTURE OF THE GIRL YOU ARE SENDING ALL YOUR PRAYERS< THOUGHTS AND GOOD VIBES TO!!!!!! 

<3 PiNkY

<3 PiNkY

She is alive and kicking. No one told her at the time, but lung cancer is very very hard to beat, none the less the stage she was in...
I'll send my psychic energy her way, God, Buddah whatever, they'll get my prayers.