Saturday Mar 29, 2008 Mar 29, 2008 0 Facebook Tweet Email I'm so happy right now!!!! Why am I so happy? Here's why... SPOILERS! (Click to view) It's a ukulele!!! SWEET!! Now all I have to do is figure out how to play Foo Fighters on it! xxx VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS aesirr: Least your trying. It's Warmachine not Warhammer and is actually quite a simple system. I mean it was only my first 5 proper games and I still came 4th. Mar 31, 2008 xalicex: cool strings!!! and nice colour too. i ended up getting a sponge cake with raspberry sauce inside and loads of buttercream icing on top, and also on top were sweets, like jelly babies. i only ended up eating one slice and then i didnt want any more! Mar 31, 2008
It's Warmachine not Warhammer and is actually quite a simple system. I mean it was only my first 5 proper games and I still came 4th.
and nice colour too.
i ended up getting a sponge cake with raspberry sauce inside and loads of buttercream icing on top, and also on top were sweets, like jelly babies. i only ended up eating one slice and then i didnt want any more!