Today is two of my best friends' birthday, so Happy Birthday to Jen and Jayne! Tonight I will be going out to the pub to celebrate with them. We also went out on Saturday night to celebrate. We started at the pub, then went on to a club called Chaos, and after that I ended up at Gareth and Sarah's until 6am. I only went home when the Sun started coming up! It was a good night out and I have lots of photos to prove it! I would show you some of them in this very blog, but the website I use to host my photos isn't working!
My friend Michelle and her hubby Geoff will be moving to a different city in just over a week's time. Michelle and I used to be really close, like bestest buddies kind of close, but over the last couple of years, we have drifted apart. Maybe that's why I'm not partically sad that she's leaving. I will miss her but I'll still see her as much as I see now! Maybe it's because I know that her and Geoff have been planning on moving for so long now. Maybe it's because we now have different priorities, she wants to start a family ASAP, I don't. I really haven't gotten to the bottom of this yet and I really don't want to spend the whole of this blog going on about it. All I can say now is that I've surprised at how underwhelmed I am about it.
Enough of this down-heartedness! I need to cheer myself up for tonight and finish wrapping birthday presents! Big snogs to all!!
My friend Michelle and her hubby Geoff will be moving to a different city in just over a week's time. Michelle and I used to be really close, like bestest buddies kind of close, but over the last couple of years, we have drifted apart. Maybe that's why I'm not partically sad that she's leaving. I will miss her but I'll still see her as much as I see now! Maybe it's because I know that her and Geoff have been planning on moving for so long now. Maybe it's because we now have different priorities, she wants to start a family ASAP, I don't. I really haven't gotten to the bottom of this yet and I really don't want to spend the whole of this blog going on about it. All I can say now is that I've surprised at how underwhelmed I am about it.
Enough of this down-heartedness! I need to cheer myself up for tonight and finish wrapping birthday presents! Big snogs to all!!

So, one birthday for two friends? Is it a Multiple Personality Disorder thing?
Things are okay, I guess.
I'm going out to play for a set in between sets of my friends' band tonight.