Today, I had what felt like a little grey cloud over my head all day, for no apparent reason. Everything little thing wound me up so much that I felt like I was either going to explode with 'Incredible Hulk'-like anger or burst into tears. All day at work, I had people asking me to do their work for them. I kept trying to shut them out with my headphones but they kept on complaining I was being rude. The fuckers!!
Then when I got home, I got really close to losing it at Mum because she was in one of her bossy moods that always wind me up any way. 

Luckily, Jen turned up and we ran away to the Hatebreed gig.
Which was amazing! Completely blew away the little grey storm cloud from over my head and left me with a slight skip in my step. The most amazing thing about the gig was the fact that the crowd were all so into it. I haven't seen anything like it in a long time, where every single member of the crowd are there together, all on the same page. It's hard to explain it without coming across as being really cheesy. Everyone was so into the show so that while the music was really heavy and aggressive, everyone was smiling. Does anyone understand me, or am I just typing complete bollocks?
Anyway, one more day of work before my holiday! Which reminds me, I need to pack! xxx

Which was amazing! Completely blew away the little grey storm cloud from over my head and left me with a slight skip in my step. The most amazing thing about the gig was the fact that the crowd were all so into it. I haven't seen anything like it in a long time, where every single member of the crowd are there together, all on the same page. It's hard to explain it without coming across as being really cheesy. Everyone was so into the show so that while the music was really heavy and aggressive, everyone was smiling. Does anyone understand me, or am I just typing complete bollocks?

Anyway, one more day of work before my holiday! Which reminds me, I need to pack! xxx

thats fine. lol i didnt really know what to say either...
and... i just say "eep" and other stuff like that
cuz... um... i'm stupid?
hope that you feel better! ^^