Usually, I would rather have a biscuit than a candy bar, but I am all up in some candy right now. Easter= candy. Fuck yes! It is good, and it makes me happy- yay endorphins! I just got my paycheck and I barely have enough to get by. Damn it. Next time I'll be alright...if they haven't fired me. I live in a state where they can LEGALLY fire you for "no reason". Coincidentally, I also live in a state that is extremely prejudiced and close minded. Therefore, you're gay? Fired. Middle eastern? Fired. I'm not saying that's what always happens, but it shouldn't be allowed to. Therefore, me being crazy and shit...Fired. Seriously, is there not something wrong with that?

Yeah, NC's a "Right to Work" state. It's more like a "Take Away Your Right to Work" state, or a "Be What I Say or Do What I Say or I"ll Fire Your Ass!" state. You know, NC's a pretty cool place but would be even cooler if we weren't still stuck in a Jesse Helms-induced conservative behind-the-times loop.
Yeah, blah. NC's has beautiful mountains and nice beaches and shit, but uh yeah...fuck that mess.