Hey I love that you like the idea of the contest
For those who are thinking "what the hell is she talking about?" well I have a little contest going on , the prize is chating with me and my webcam for 20 minutes and I will do anything you want ,also weird stuff
(except for penetration) ,to participate just leave a comment saying that you want to be in and you have to be my friend (if you are not yet ,just add me)
but please when you leave your comment be especific about you wanting to participate ,because most of you put"hey count me in" or something like that wich is perfect but some of you just put "hey great idea this contest ,sounds good" and that's not especific enough
I don't wanna put you in the box if you don't want to be in
If you already left your comment saying that you wanna be in you are already in the box and you don't have to do anything else
Check My set if you didn't do it yet and at least touch yourself once ,don't be mean
P.S. My set reached over 500 comments thanks to all you are super nice
I can't say how much I apriciate this.

For those who are thinking "what the hell is she talking about?" well I have a little contest going on , the prize is chating with me and my webcam for 20 minutes and I will do anything you want ,also weird stuff

but please when you leave your comment be especific about you wanting to participate ,because most of you put"hey count me in" or something like that wich is perfect but some of you just put "hey great idea this contest ,sounds good" and that's not especific enough

If you already left your comment saying that you wanna be in you are already in the box and you don't have to do anything else

Check My set if you didn't do it yet and at least touch yourself once ,don't be mean


P.S. My set reached over 500 comments thanks to all you are super nice

And, yes, I wish to be included in your sexy webcam draw! I am a little perv. I am surprised more girls are not in the draw, maybe they are shy ?
I was in the Thai jungle for three days with 200 Thai high school students on a Buddhist camp. I am now spiritually pure!
Hope you're well.
Who won?
take care,