Oh yeah, I have an updated version of Mirabem now, too:
Aint she the sweetest thing on 2 legs? Want to see my hearthrob?
fursuiting couples ftw!
Aint she the sweetest thing on 2 legs? Want to see my hearthrob?
fursuiting couples ftw!
It's basically just costuming. Like Cosplay at anime conventions, or those jackasses that get dolled up in 80 lbs of chainmail and go to ren faires.
I'm really into sewing & propmaking. Have been since.. forever. I went to school for Fashion, switched to industrial design with a focus on special effects. Everything from prop makeup to realistic fake weaponry to furniture. I got into fursuiting via the anime/cosplay community. The thing with Cosplay is, you get all dressed up and then you just stand around and do nothing people take your photos. that's about it. Alot of cosplay is also dependant on body type or physical appearance.
With fursuiting it's like, you've got your own character, and it comes to life via your actions. You can be cute and silly, mean and cunty, or a total badass, Male or female, all dependant on your skill in pantomime, etc. There's alot of acting involved, similar to alot of theatrical productions.And unlike regular costuming, people just see the suit. They don't see you, just the character. It's pretty much liscence to just go all out crazy. Create a whole new persona for yourself and act it out.
Maybe one of the most cathartic things I've ever done.
Better than going to the same shitty bar week after week, having mindless conversation and paying too much for overpriced drinks, watching people trying much too hard to look hip.
that and if you've got skill in sewing/popmaking, a fullsuit sells for around 1000$. So yeah.