What can I really say? the past 3 months have been pretty interesting.
Spent the past 6 months recovering from surgery. You know that already. Get to a point where I'm just starting to feel normal again and then start developing complications. Go to see a gyno/specialist and what does he tell me? That If I want to heal correctly that I need to have surgery again to fix things. Apparently I healed too well in some places and not well enough in other. fucking awesome. just what I want to do: Go under the knife again. Called up my doctor, & he said he would do the revision work for free, I just had to get myself back to the clinic, which is what I'm working on doing right now.
Been spending way too much time playing World of Warcraft. Think i kind of retreated into it. Recovery was really boring, and thanks to the complication, a touch depressing. Everyone I know IRL plays anyway, so it was almost like being out IRL. sort of..
My guild downed the Twin Emps last month, and we started working on Naxx and C'thun. C'thun 40% and Razuvious to 55%!! not bad. We were going strong and then people started leaving, or just stopped showing up entirely. It was a big WTF. Alot of folks decided to take a break and wait for TBC. Now a guild that could waltz through a full BWL kill in under 3 hours can barely get anough people online to make it up to Firemaw. it is goddamn depressing. And with the patch coming out soon, and everyone's mods breaking, who knows what we're going to do now?
Bunch of my friends from NYC are trying to Lure me into EvE online for lasers in space. pew pew! It's beginning to seem slightly appealing.
Met a girl through the power of myspace. Flirted pretty hard for a while, messed around but nothing really happened. I guess we're basically friends at this point. I really have no idea what's going on there. It's just nice every so often to have someone to curl up in bed with. I don't even care about sex at this point: a warm(and preferably feminine xD ) body to cuddle up on is ultimately one of the most appealing things in the world.
My best friend in the city Got a job in NYC working for Marth stewart living. He makes more in 2 weeks than I make in 2 months now. what a bastard, lol. I'm glad someone I know is finally making it doing something for once. Now I just need to be that person one of these days. :p
Heather & I camped out saturday night for the Nintendo Wii. Her whole household came. we had booze and a hibachi grill and Nintendo DS action. Some kids brought a portable generator and we all played Halo2. there must have been like 45 people there. Almost better than going to shows. Ome kids were having a wifi lan party. I <3 being a huge fucking nerd sometimes...
Time to go cook some rice so I can make some veggie sushi for lunch. if I have any rice leftover, that means red curry for dinner! Yum!
Spent the past 6 months recovering from surgery. You know that already. Get to a point where I'm just starting to feel normal again and then start developing complications. Go to see a gyno/specialist and what does he tell me? That If I want to heal correctly that I need to have surgery again to fix things. Apparently I healed too well in some places and not well enough in other. fucking awesome. just what I want to do: Go under the knife again. Called up my doctor, & he said he would do the revision work for free, I just had to get myself back to the clinic, which is what I'm working on doing right now.
Been spending way too much time playing World of Warcraft. Think i kind of retreated into it. Recovery was really boring, and thanks to the complication, a touch depressing. Everyone I know IRL plays anyway, so it was almost like being out IRL. sort of..
My guild downed the Twin Emps last month, and we started working on Naxx and C'thun. C'thun 40% and Razuvious to 55%!! not bad. We were going strong and then people started leaving, or just stopped showing up entirely. It was a big WTF. Alot of folks decided to take a break and wait for TBC. Now a guild that could waltz through a full BWL kill in under 3 hours can barely get anough people online to make it up to Firemaw. it is goddamn depressing. And with the patch coming out soon, and everyone's mods breaking, who knows what we're going to do now?
Bunch of my friends from NYC are trying to Lure me into EvE online for lasers in space. pew pew! It's beginning to seem slightly appealing.
Met a girl through the power of myspace. Flirted pretty hard for a while, messed around but nothing really happened. I guess we're basically friends at this point. I really have no idea what's going on there. It's just nice every so often to have someone to curl up in bed with. I don't even care about sex at this point: a warm(and preferably feminine xD ) body to cuddle up on is ultimately one of the most appealing things in the world.
My best friend in the city Got a job in NYC working for Marth stewart living. He makes more in 2 weeks than I make in 2 months now. what a bastard, lol. I'm glad someone I know is finally making it doing something for once. Now I just need to be that person one of these days. :p
Heather & I camped out saturday night for the Nintendo Wii. Her whole household came. we had booze and a hibachi grill and Nintendo DS action. Some kids brought a portable generator and we all played Halo2. there must have been like 45 people there. Almost better than going to shows. Ome kids were having a wifi lan party. I <3 being a huge fucking nerd sometimes...
Time to go cook some rice so I can make some veggie sushi for lunch. if I have any rice leftover, that means red curry for dinner! Yum!
Raz is all about annoying luck (mc not breaking). I hate that fight.