blogging is a really funny thing.

when you first start doing it it's kind of addictive, and you write about anything and everything under the sun, from totally superficial things like what you ate for lunch to really maningful things. But then you do it so much that eventually you scale back, and you do it less and less to the point where you practically...
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So yeah, not to TMI you to death but:

So the other night Mike hooked me up with a ride to mazzoni, the clinic I go to, and my doc had a look at me. Apparently I have some kind of tissue granulation which is a result of overall irritation. this is a problem, because I have to dialate the surgical site to prevent, well,...
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Aw, sweety! Thanx so much for the set comment; that was so sweet of you. smile

Videogames are the answer to everything. biggrin

HA! Blastermaster is so oldschool! That game was teh evol. I never did beat it. frown
videogames! videogames! videogames! Why have I never seen you before?? You have renewed my faith in humanity
Wow, I've pretty much let this languish for like.. 8 months now. I think I forgot I was even on here at one point. Given the tone of the last post, and where things are now for me, alot has changed, pretty much for the better.
I'll probably end up cutting and pasting myspace posts just to bring people up to speed. yarr!
I seriously need more women in my life.

I'm not talking like, to date(although that would be spectacular). It's just like... after this whole depression thing subsided, all I do is sit at home, alone, the only real interaction I have is my friend mike, who, while meaning well, is comp[letely neurotic and ends up just pissing me off because he's so fucking stupid sometimes....
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hey whats up
Sorry to hear you're down. You'll get through it. Maybe it will push you to do something completely different.

You wear very fancy pretty glasses. I appreciate that.
Whew.. finally done with school for the year.

I spent the better part of the last 3 weeks worrying whether or not I was going to pass, when I managed to pull out of it all with low B's & C's. Better than the auto-failure I was expecting.

I finally have time to start doing all the fun things I've been wanting to do but...
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Chalk it up to last minute slack, but I'm doing the all-nighter last possinle minute' dance of desperation' finishing my finals for structure & form, coincidentally due in 7 hours. on the interim I'm taking mini-breaks to download new anime. I was browing the 'new files' directory on Anime-Direct when I came across something amazing.

I'm an old hack when it comes to anime. I...
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I remember seeing lain and being like wow!

not that the animation was all that amazing, but it was still beautiful.. GAH

anyways, sweet tats.
Yeah, the guy that did Lain made this other show, Haibane Renmei, where he had full creative control(unlike in Lain, where he had to do what the studio wanted).

it was blissfully simple, but extremely deep and emotional. It's pretty hard to make a series that has no direct comedy, action, or conflict, and is entirely open-ended and driven entirely by character interaction, but he did it.

and it's a masterpiece.
it's a snow day, everything is shut down, so no autocad work for me smile. But what to do?

I got these Glam Ass plugs from BMEshop the other day, so I'm spending my off time tape stretching my ears again. I never should have let them shrink down.

While on that subject, 5 years ago I tried to kick the mod habit and took...
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i wish i could've called out of work and stayed home to play WoW
my walk to work this morning was a nasty wintery sludege fest.

my girlfriend has been stretching her ears for a while, if they start bleed i get totally freaked out. she thinks thats hilarious.
i've somehow avoided getting piercings and tattoos. not that i dont like them or anything

its funny cause my girl and i are addicted to tv shows about tattoos like Miami Ink and Inked
My phone is still disconnected.

I have the money to get it turned back on, that's not the issue. Everyone is urging me to get a cell, but I like my inaccessability.

my main reason is that i know, without a doubt, that if I get my phone turned back on, the -ONLY- person that will call me will be mike.

and he'll call me...
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nice to meet another WoW dork

though i havent played in a month, too many other games sucking away my life.
Cinder - I'm on it! If I weren't in the middle of finals, I'd have done it much sooner ;p

Apoc-dude - You're in the same boat as me. Still, outside of my old job a a few people in my dept, I don't know too many WoW dorks in philly, although it goes without saying there are certainly alot of general dorks out there ;p
I've been noticing something really really bizzare that i've gotta ping off some other vegan/vegitarians. So TVP/soy comprises alot of my diet. I cook with it alot, I go to Gianna's every so often, etc. No biggee. But if I actually -drink- soy milk(chocolate silk oooooh), my stomach gets this like... I can only descibe it as gassy/really full fealing, like I just ate a...
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I've heard about the movie, but supposedly they're going to cut out the part about the Church because of angry fundamentalists. Hopefully that's just a rumor, or else I shall be angry.

I'm trying to get my man to read them, but he's been procrastinating. Now I'm just wishing I hadn't lent them to him, so I could reread them.
Yeah, I'd heard about the possability of that too, which is completely absurd. It'd ruin like, a huge chunk of the story for them to modify that(I mean. it's basically a play-by-play retelling of Dante's inferno anyway).

lending books is always a bad idea. I did the same thing: I pushed them to a friend of mine to read, and I seriously doubt I'll get them back anytime soon...

How psyched are you for Narnia?