three boxes really isn't enough. i mean, how can you choose only three?
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Wednesday Aug 16, 2006
um, hi. i'm not sure why this account is still here, but it will pro… -
Saturday Jul 05, 2003
Inspired by his never ending quest for progress, in 2084 man perfects… -
Thursday Jul 03, 2003
Right now I'm pouring out some of my 40oz of Old English 800 for my d… -
Thursday Jun 19, 2003
just rolled a cigarette. nicotine buzzzzz. living in los angeles n… -
Saturday May 24, 2003
Zipolite: the heat is almost unbearable at times. sometimes as i'm ly… -
Thursday May 08, 2003
So I was sitting on one of the benches in the zocalo here in Oaxaca y… -
Saturday Apr 12, 2003
"Power is not a means, it is an end. If you want a picture of the fu… -
Friday Feb 21, 2003
In a fit of late night insanity I almost bought a ticket to Rio for C… -
Monday Jan 27, 2003
sigh. It finally happened. 19 months ago I was laid off from my job a… -
Saturday Jan 04, 2003
Tonight I got a sandwich from the Thai owned sandwich shop on the nex…