So there has been this ongoing thought in my head of moving out of L.A. But I'm an actor and this is where I need to be to pursue my career, right? I keep telling myself this even though I can barely afford to live. I started Chin Chin and it looks like I wont have enough hours. I might go work a second job at Starbucks. I been stressing and in the midst of all this, I get an audition for a Jack In The Box commercial. I go on the audition today dressed as a sleazy theif from the 1940s. I think I did ok and not even an hour later I get a call asking me to come to the production company tomorrow for a callback. Well that was pretty frickin fast. Maybe this is a sign that I need to stay in L.A. I'm not sure.
What I do know is I woke up hungover from drinking a total of two drinks last night. well....wait....four drinks. Two margeritas and two seven and sevens. Maybe that was justified to feel that way. Hardly any sleep to training at Chin Chin, then home to change, then to my audition, then to Hollywood traffic where I almost ran out of gas, then to spending my last two dollars on In n Out....and now I am home.
I'm tired and think I might take mes a nap. Anyway, wish me luck. if I get this commercial, it will film on Tuesday. Too bad it ain't a national.
What I do know is I woke up hungover from drinking a total of two drinks last night. well....wait....four drinks. Two margeritas and two seven and sevens. Maybe that was justified to feel that way. Hardly any sleep to training at Chin Chin, then home to change, then to my audition, then to Hollywood traffic where I almost ran out of gas, then to spending my last two dollars on In n Out....and now I am home.
I'm tired and think I might take mes a nap. Anyway, wish me luck. if I get this commercial, it will film on Tuesday. Too bad it ain't a national.

so then, does this mean you will be going to the SGLA event on saturday?

what did $2 get you at in & out?