I like to sometimes think that I am not wasting my time.
I have a 23 pound cat.
I live in a crappy apartment in a crappy neighborhood.
I'll be 29 in two months.
I'm technically single even though I feel as if my heart is anchored in an unwelcome harbor.
I am wondering if I have already had my fifteen minutes of fame. VR Troopers? Say it ain't so!
I've worked more than most in this industry and have not spent my money wisely.
I'm easily depressed and effected by the weather.
I feel like I should be doing more but am so exhausted from doing too much.
I am wondering if this list will be taken as complaints or observations.
I have a 23 pound cat.
I live in a crappy apartment in a crappy neighborhood.
I'll be 29 in two months.
I'm technically single even though I feel as if my heart is anchored in an unwelcome harbor.
I am wondering if I have already had my fifteen minutes of fame. VR Troopers? Say it ain't so!
I've worked more than most in this industry and have not spent my money wisely.
I'm easily depressed and effected by the weather.
I feel like I should be doing more but am so exhausted from doing too much.
I am wondering if this list will be taken as complaints or observations.

"What you perceive, your observations, feelings, interpretations, are all your truth. Your truth is important. Yet it is not always The Truth." - Linda Ellinor

P.S. Sarah Brown was wicked hot.