My place is a fricken organized disaster. Well I guess that means I need to clean it up in disiasterous organization.
Gah!!! I have no idea what that means.
I got up this morning from having a weird dream about my grandmother and Dane Cook. My grandmother passed away two years ago and I think I was actually crying in my sleep. I'm not sure. It was a weird dream. I was in her apt, the place I grew up, and it was owned by someone else but the place looked exactly the same. I found a journal of her's that I never knew she kept and it spanned 70 years. I then met the new people who lived there and they had all her old furniture and antique spoon collection on the walls. It was a very depressing and surreal dream. As I left her apt, Dane Cook drove by me and waved.
What the hell does that mean anyway?
So I wake up and who's the first person I am compelled to call? Yep, you guessed it. Not much exciting happened in that conversation. Don't even ask me why I called. I guess I thought they, of all people, would understand how that dream felt since they just lost their grandmother as well.
Anyway, I met up with Naemah and her new boyfriend and we saw Hero in Burbank. Awesome fucking movie. Anything with Jet Li and swordplay will guarantee a two thumbs up from me. Fucking badass shit. Now all I needed was to hear Wu Tang as background music. Fuck shit up hardcore!
I am now home, just finished giving Franklin his medication and I need to get changed and clean the litterbox and throw the trash out and then head to pick up Becca and go to Calvin's housewarming party.
How tomorrow will go is a mystery to me. Not even sure if the email I sent was read or not.
How is it in San Diego anyway? Nice weather, I hope.
Gah!!! I have no idea what that means.
I got up this morning from having a weird dream about my grandmother and Dane Cook. My grandmother passed away two years ago and I think I was actually crying in my sleep. I'm not sure. It was a weird dream. I was in her apt, the place I grew up, and it was owned by someone else but the place looked exactly the same. I found a journal of her's that I never knew she kept and it spanned 70 years. I then met the new people who lived there and they had all her old furniture and antique spoon collection on the walls. It was a very depressing and surreal dream. As I left her apt, Dane Cook drove by me and waved.
What the hell does that mean anyway?
So I wake up and who's the first person I am compelled to call? Yep, you guessed it. Not much exciting happened in that conversation. Don't even ask me why I called. I guess I thought they, of all people, would understand how that dream felt since they just lost their grandmother as well.
Anyway, I met up with Naemah and her new boyfriend and we saw Hero in Burbank. Awesome fucking movie. Anything with Jet Li and swordplay will guarantee a two thumbs up from me. Fucking badass shit. Now all I needed was to hear Wu Tang as background music. Fuck shit up hardcore!
I am now home, just finished giving Franklin his medication and I need to get changed and clean the litterbox and throw the trash out and then head to pick up Becca and go to Calvin's housewarming party.
How tomorrow will go is a mystery to me. Not even sure if the email I sent was read or not.
How is it in San Diego anyway? Nice weather, I hope.

San Diego is beautiful and sunny. a little hot but gorgeous