Well Heavens to mergatroid, it seems that everyone knows. I was the last to know and it involved me more than any of them.
Thanks to the friend who came forward and supplied me with the information. I am sorry I didn't believe you. Emotions can really fuck a person up.
They say love is blind. What they don't bother telling you is that when you are in love you tend to be blind to the truth.
Yes, she and I are still friends...or at least trying. How can you be a friend with someone who destroyed all the trust you had in them? I dunno. It's difficult. It's fucking difficult as all hell. I had to read the fucking journal and look at the pictures and tell her I saw them for her to come clean about everything.
Why do i keep getting involved with girls who are filled with emotional issues and demons from the past which get in the way of them having healthy relationships? Well...if I said normal girls are boring, would that make me an ass? Or a guy? Or is that the same thing?
And so the cycle continues and the pattern is the same. When will this ever get easier?
I don't know but I do know that I do feel better than I did.
Thanks to the friend who came forward and supplied me with the information. I am sorry I didn't believe you. Emotions can really fuck a person up.
They say love is blind. What they don't bother telling you is that when you are in love you tend to be blind to the truth.
Yes, she and I are still friends...or at least trying. How can you be a friend with someone who destroyed all the trust you had in them? I dunno. It's difficult. It's fucking difficult as all hell. I had to read the fucking journal and look at the pictures and tell her I saw them for her to come clean about everything.
Why do i keep getting involved with girls who are filled with emotional issues and demons from the past which get in the way of them having healthy relationships? Well...if I said normal girls are boring, would that make me an ass? Or a guy? Or is that the same thing?
And so the cycle continues and the pattern is the same. When will this ever get easier?
I don't know but I do know that I do feel better than I did.

No sarcasm here, even if it sounds that way... I honestly think things will work out for the best... its just a matter of allowing yourself to move on. Good luck man.
I know...thanks