I had a very surreal moment yesterday amidst taking my mom to the movies and dinner. We were at The Grove and at the movie theater, we saw Mohammed Ali. He had a crowd of people around him and he was signing autographs and taking pictures. He then started doing magic tricks, making someone's flower disappear in his hand. He stared right at me for quite a while, and even though he isn't in good condition, he still has quite a godlike presence and a penetrating stare.
It was awsome.
On top of that, Becca got me an autograph from Tom Waits. Becca's dad is a musician and good friends with Mr. Waits. He is working on his new album and I got this piece of sheet music with his autograph on it and a scrap of paper attached to it that had scribblings of new songs that he is working on. I was so fucking excited and shocked! I am going to frame it.
It was awsome.
On top of that, Becca got me an autograph from Tom Waits. Becca's dad is a musician and good friends with Mr. Waits. He is working on his new album and I got this piece of sheet music with his autograph on it and a scrap of paper attached to it that had scribblings of new songs that he is working on. I was so fucking excited and shocked! I am going to frame it.

Any ways I'm packing and I'm moving closer to you guys!
Oh but it's only by like 3 exits. I think I'm going to try to buy the place in 6 months... but I'm willing to be the bitch that owns it is going to want like 500k for it.