Hello Im New to Suicide Girls and I just want to tell ever one a little about me. My name is Charles McCormick and Im a journalist. I write for American Music Press (ww.ampmagazine.com), Loud Fast Rules. I also Have my own magazine called Tune In Texas. um... I think that all you need to know about me
Some Bands I've Interviewed
Tiger Army
Phantom Rockers
The Rocketz
Saturday Nite Shockers
Flametrick Subs
Satans Cheerleaders
I Voted For Kodos
Brutally Frank
Dawn Shipley and the Sharpshooters
Mad Sin
The Quakes
Sasquatch & The Sickabillies
Irish Brothers
Hotrod Hillbillies
Blood Moon Howlers
Sick City Daggers
Left Alone
Walls Of jericho
Big Bad Voo Doo Daddy
Pat Cupp
Wanda Jackon
Demented Are GO
The Meteors
Calico System
The Phenomenauts
Social Distortion
The Sharks
Mad Marge ange The Stone Cutters
Big Naked
Royal Crown Review
Explosions in the Sky
Ill Nino
Flaming Tsunamis
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
The Adicts
State Of Revolution
Lost City Angels
The Slandern
I voted For Kodos
Banane Metalik
The Creepniks
Boz Borrer
And Many More I just cant remember who else right now
Some Bands I've Interviewed
Tiger Army
Phantom Rockers
The Rocketz
Saturday Nite Shockers
Flametrick Subs
Satans Cheerleaders
I Voted For Kodos
Brutally Frank
Dawn Shipley and the Sharpshooters
Mad Sin
The Quakes
Sasquatch & The Sickabillies
Irish Brothers
Hotrod Hillbillies
Blood Moon Howlers
Sick City Daggers
Left Alone
Walls Of jericho
Big Bad Voo Doo Daddy
Pat Cupp
Wanda Jackon
Demented Are GO
The Meteors
Calico System
The Phenomenauts
Social Distortion
The Sharks
Mad Marge ange The Stone Cutters
Big Naked
Royal Crown Review
Explosions in the Sky
Ill Nino
Flaming Tsunamis
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
The Adicts
State Of Revolution
Lost City Angels
The Slandern
I voted For Kodos
Banane Metalik
The Creepniks
Boz Borrer
And Many More I just cant remember who else right now

hey hows it going??? I get my work done at Effigy on SW Military. Wow so you saw Walk the Line too? Awesome movie!!!