Wow. It's friday and I don' t have a goddamn thing to do really. The people I go out with usually are on their way to Boston tonight. They will be gone all week, so I guess I won't be doing much anyway. Not that I have money right now anyway. I have to pay 500 bucks to get my car fixed and that is about all I had saved up. I hate being broke! And since I don't have a car right now, I can't work for the weekend, therefore no extra income. Arg!
or should that be a
? Oh well. Nothing else to say, other than hopefully something will come up for the night.

Bummer. I'm in pain if that makes you feel any better about your weekend. I'm looking forward to a weekend off this weekend - serious chill time.
sucks bout your car.. mine stalled in the middle of traffic the other day when i was pulling out of work. scared the pee pee out of me. it hasnt done it since but at least i know something is going down hill with it.