Hey community..
I used to write and show up more often, i know..
I used to smile more often and like myself more ...but
well, everyone have your demons and crysis so, i'm trying, you know?
One of these days i jus loged in, and remembered how i used to write here, and try to improve my english here...lol
How was nice say nice things to another girls, and help their to stay confident, cause we're always trying.
How was nice talk to members of every place of the world.
I just remembered how lovely was my last set and i never wrote a post about it...(is too late to say i'm sorry??)
~And how i love yellow, its my fave color and is so happy and full of life ~
Well, i hope isn't too late to appreciate this lovely set i shot with one of my fave girls of this site, @hilo <3
Raise your glass to yellow things <3