These pics it's just to introduce myself lol
I'm Lana Banana and I'm almost 13y old. I'm Pimenta's pet. She is my best friend, she feeds me, sleep with me cuddling, give me some treats, and we are friends since she was 16. I hate baths but she always talk to me that I need to be clean and then give me fun baths, It's a long journey together. She is the best mommy and I'm a stylish and funny old lady. We're the best together. Sometimes when i sleep I dream that I was on tour with my band and play some drums. She recorded it lol. I'm really shy on cameras, but she said that i'm talented.
I have a perfect life with her, but since 2 days I'm throwing up this yellow thing, my mom said is bili.
She is worried about me and I knew she wasn't happy. I play, eat my food, go to the bathroom, I'm always barking when I see her and spinning in circles of happiness when she came home, but she seems to think i'm sick. Today i saw she crying cause she don't have any money to bring a vet to see me. She said it's expensive (thank God cause I hate Vets)
But she loves this site, we have Vets here? Anyone knows if what happening to me is serious and what could she give to me so I'll stop to throw up yellow things?
I did yesterday 2 times, and today one time. She's really worried, and I just want to show to her there's going to be ok. She have a lot of problems, but she says I'm her joy ❤ And i'm proud lol
Thank you nice guys and naked people, if you could help me and mommy or give to her nice comments, she I'll feel better.
( i need to remember her to show you the video of me playing drums while sleeping lol i'm such a good player)
I'm licking and kissing your faces from here, bye bye