The bloghomework of this week gaven by @rambo and @missy is about my fav thing, music!!
I think music send us To another atmosphere, i can feel all kind of feelings when i listen a song, understand the lyrics and....got it! I get What the musician wants.
But its too dificult To choose one soundtrack to our lives. I have so many musics that i love, bands and everything.
So i did a playlist on Spotify!
I choose the strongest songs of moments of my life.
(original ph by : Daniel Ribeiro)
Get ready for the songs 💙
1. Absolutely (Story Of a Girl)-Nine Days (when i discover my self as a girl, my creativity,my dreams. Naive and hopeful teen)
2. Stolen Car - Carina Round (when i start To know my body, see the changes, start To go out, drink, kiss boys)
3. Normal like you - Everclear ( i always thought i was diferent , like diferent clothes, diferent bands, don't care about the issues some girls of my age care about.)
4. Lemonbright- Talain Rayne feat. The movement (after college i understand universe, my inner power, the universal law of atraction. I've just did a backpack and trip, live with some friends on the south of my country)
5. I'll be yours - Those Dancing Days (this is to my friends, my best friends. Some group of girls that i love the most)
6. Gonna Make my Own money - Deap Vally ( its about the time when i discover my beauty, my sexuality, my power as a woman, the changes inside started. Now i'm feeling wanted!)
7. Crown on the ground - Sleigh Bells (this is me! A queen with strong personality, and when i come To a party, everyone knows i'm in. Its about my girl power, i'm not a naive girl anymore)
8. Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin (its my fave band! I love the 70's, classic rock, groupies. All those storys makes me horny :x)
9. Me -The 1975 (when i discover that band, i fall in love. Its too deep, i felt those lyrics. That song its a soundtrack of my lonliness. I listen alone and think about this crazy world, cold people who doesn't care about anything)
10. Come pick me up -Ryan Adams (i love this guy! This song its about my love life, i never got lucky! This song its soundtrack of one of my fav movies "Elizabethtown")
11. Smoke and Mirrors - Gotye (its about my 20's crisis, hard times)
12. Just Like Heaven - The Cure ( this last song is the song i never get sick of, i hope To listen it until i die, and i hope my friends play it on my funeral)
I hope you all enjoy it! I love this homework!!! You could listen the entire playlist on Spotify 💙
Ps: i'll tag @lyxzen cause i really want her to see it 😍
Pepper :)