Hey! i was tagged by @nwalmn To show my pets
I'm happy because theres nothing that i love most than my babies.
I introducing To you Angel Maria, she's an old lady, that like To sit on my lap :
And Lana Banana, who likes To play, eat everything she can put at her mouth and always afraid of something:
My two girls are my best friends and is always good To Stay close. The love i can see in their eyes makes me feel complete.
I miss my two boys, no longer with me, passed away.
My rabbit Banza:
And my hamster Theodore:
Pets are The best friends you could have. So i will tag @nanproenca @arsenica @renatta @ivylina @chell @litha and @amatista to show their pets.
:/ that's ok. Come to my house and i lend my pets to you @litha
@pimenta Hahaha <3