My uncle Frank died at 6pm... just found out... I don't like today.. *sighs*
Looks like I'm going to Charleston for my break.. :/
Wow... things are strange today...
I woke up late for class so I ended up not going... but then I get a call about some work I have to do... and I get up and start working on things...
Everything seemed surreal while I was working on things... like I'm detached from what was going on... but I got everything done...
I get an e-mail from a grad school and take care of some stuff for that and then I go to lab...
I have to work by myself because my partner was out... and again everything felt strange... like I was just doing stuff and not thinking... kinda blew a few pieces of electronics out... but nothing expensive...
When lab ended I still have a few things to do... so I ran around campus doing them... then I get a phone call from a friend... and my cell phone started acting up so I told them I'd talk to them later...
When I stop talking some girl walks up to me and asks me a question... innocent right? Then she keeps talking to me... which weirded me out because I feel like everything is strange today... and this pretty attractive girl seemed like she was hitting on me...
So... I kinda tell her I have to leave to do work... and she asks to hang out with her... and I don't fully know how to respond... so I basically tell her "I'll think about it"... but to be honest I have no intention of hanging out with her.
Heh this is just all odd timing to me...
But anyway... it's been a strange day... and I still have a pretty long paper to write :/
My uncle Frank died at 6pm... just found out... I don't like today.. *sighs*
Looks like I'm going to Charleston for my break.. :/
Wow... things are strange today...
I woke up late for class so I ended up not going... but then I get a call about some work I have to do... and I get up and start working on things...
Everything seemed surreal while I was working on things... like I'm detached from what was going on... but I got everything done...
I get an e-mail from a grad school and take care of some stuff for that and then I go to lab...
I have to work by myself because my partner was out... and again everything felt strange... like I was just doing stuff and not thinking... kinda blew a few pieces of electronics out... but nothing expensive...
When lab ended I still have a few things to do... so I ran around campus doing them... then I get a phone call from a friend... and my cell phone started acting up so I told them I'd talk to them later...
When I stop talking some girl walks up to me and asks me a question... innocent right? Then she keeps talking to me... which weirded me out because I feel like everything is strange today... and this pretty attractive girl seemed like she was hitting on me...
So... I kinda tell her I have to leave to do work... and she asks to hang out with her... and I don't fully know how to respond... so I basically tell her "I'll think about it"... but to be honest I have no intention of hanging out with her.
Heh this is just all odd timing to me...
But anyway... it's been a strange day... and I still have a pretty long paper to write :/

im so sorry beb...
... my heart is with you

i know how you feel.