Haha well... I don't really have much to say... today is going to be a little long... classes... lab... stupid airbrush artists... a meeting maybe...
I also REALLY need to work on my thesis... but I'm being lazy about it.. I have a little more than a week to write 5 more pages... I just need to do that
My research setup has been changed for the 6th time... trying to make this stupid thing work... cause it doesn't wanna.... we may be abandoning it soon... and working on something else...
The drag show went well last night... we actually had 7 "girls" and the judges were hilarious (I picked them out
) . Some of the "girls"... were... not very good women... and some were a little too good.. haha but we all had fun
I'm really tired of doing stuff.. I just want to sit around.. watch tv... and be with some friends... less than 2 months... then off to grad school... I'm trying to see if I can get a job and move ASAP... I'll either be in the Dallas area or San Antonio.. I'm pushing for San Antonio
I was talking with one of my friends the other day. We were just shooting the shit, so to speak... We were talking about school and life after school. I realized while talking to him that... well.. I don't have as much direction as I used to. I mean.. .I know what I'm doing.. or going to try and do.. and I know what I want to do... but it's much more vague than it used to. I just want to graduate... go to some kinda of graduate school... and not make less than $50,000/year.. that's really my only true goal.
I used to think "it's doctor or bust".... and now... I don't even know if I want to become a doctor. At this point I just want to get out of school and move on with things... and if I decide later I really do want to become a doctor.. then I can always go back... but right now I just want to work.. I know I'll probably change my mind once I'm out of here and actually working 9-5... but.. I think I'd prefer the working to this.
Right now I just don't care that much about school.. I know I'll pass all my class and I'll get my degree.. so.. it's just like pulling teeth to get me more motivated. I mean.. I'm still making good grades... but I'll most likely get Bs in the classes that I have to take tests in. haha right now I have 6 As and 1 B... but one of my classes I'm pushing very close to a B..
But anyway... I guess I need to find another compass... *shrug*
I also REALLY need to work on my thesis... but I'm being lazy about it.. I have a little more than a week to write 5 more pages... I just need to do that
My research setup has been changed for the 6th time... trying to make this stupid thing work... cause it doesn't wanna.... we may be abandoning it soon... and working on something else...
The drag show went well last night... we actually had 7 "girls" and the judges were hilarious (I picked them out

I'm really tired of doing stuff.. I just want to sit around.. watch tv... and be with some friends... less than 2 months... then off to grad school... I'm trying to see if I can get a job and move ASAP... I'll either be in the Dallas area or San Antonio.. I'm pushing for San Antonio
I was talking with one of my friends the other day. We were just shooting the shit, so to speak... We were talking about school and life after school. I realized while talking to him that... well.. I don't have as much direction as I used to. I mean.. .I know what I'm doing.. or going to try and do.. and I know what I want to do... but it's much more vague than it used to. I just want to graduate... go to some kinda of graduate school... and not make less than $50,000/year.. that's really my only true goal.
I used to think "it's doctor or bust".... and now... I don't even know if I want to become a doctor. At this point I just want to get out of school and move on with things... and if I decide later I really do want to become a doctor.. then I can always go back... but right now I just want to work.. I know I'll probably change my mind once I'm out of here and actually working 9-5... but.. I think I'd prefer the working to this.
Right now I just don't care that much about school.. I know I'll pass all my class and I'll get my degree.. so.. it's just like pulling teeth to get me more motivated. I mean.. I'm still making good grades... but I'll most likely get Bs in the classes that I have to take tests in. haha right now I have 6 As and 1 B... but one of my classes I'm pushing very close to a B..
But anyway... I guess I need to find another compass... *shrug*
tsk tsk tsk