My beard is a magnet for little fuzzy things... sometimes I look like I have gray hairs because of it..
Stat class is boring and I'm not learning a damn thing.. I know more about excel than my prof too... it's a little annoying....
in 3 days.... I'll be somewhere else...
in 7 days I'll know my future....
I am going to be VERY happy when I no longer help run the 3 organizations I'm in
I updated and fixed an ibook G4 for 3 hours today... and I realized... IMs on macs suck.. mac needs to make it's own IM
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... later

Stat class is boring and I'm not learning a damn thing.. I know more about excel than my prof too... it's a little annoying....
in 3 days.... I'll be somewhere else...
in 7 days I'll know my future....
I am going to be VERY happy when I no longer help run the 3 organizations I'm in
I updated and fixed an ibook G4 for 3 hours today... and I realized... IMs on macs suck.. mac needs to make it's own IM
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... later
[ i didn't know macs had IM either. but don't tell anyone.]