bwahahaha at my friend's house... just updating one last time before I go to Nicaragua. I am a little nervous about this trip but my dad was nice enough to help me get everything I need for the trip.
Last night was the 1st time since I was 14 that I drank hard alcohol. Down a few shots of vodka. I used to love the stuff but now I hate the taste of it.
I'll miss talking to y'all... especially Dey.
Just 17 days and I'll be back... hopefully I'll have a lot of pictures. Well I need to eat then sleep. Have a good time while I'm gone. later!!
I'm done with school!!!!!!!.... but I'm creepy
sometimes I have a very sick sense of humor... please forgive me
heh packing up my room... I have toooo much shit.
Leaving for Nicaragua Monday.. so I won't be on... I may be able to access my journal so leave me some love..
See y'all on the flipside!!
btw.. I'll miss someone special while I'm in Nicaragua mwah to that person
one paper.. and one finals left... I stayed up for 42 hours straight... fuuuuuun... and I still did only so so on that final. It looks like I'm getting all Bs... didn't get all those As I needed on the finals. Oh well.. my GPA is just getting closer and closer to 3.0... which is bad for Med schools.. but what can you do?
Dey hasn't been on very much lately.. and that makes me a little sad.. I am leaving for Nicaragua Monday till the 26th..
I want to go... but I wish I had a little more time. oh well.
Nothing else is really going on.. I'm packing up my stuff for the summer.. my parents are coming in to help... I may be going down south for a day to help my friend with his stuff.. but I think I'm off the hook on that.
well... food time I suppose.. I may have more to talk about later...
Last night was the 1st time since I was 14 that I drank hard alcohol. Down a few shots of vodka. I used to love the stuff but now I hate the taste of it.
I'll miss talking to y'all... especially Dey.
Just 17 days and I'll be back... hopefully I'll have a lot of pictures. Well I need to eat then sleep. Have a good time while I'm gone. later!!
I'm done with school!!!!!!!.... but I'm creepy
heh packing up my room... I have toooo much shit.
Leaving for Nicaragua Monday.. so I won't be on... I may be able to access my journal so leave me some love..
See y'all on the flipside!!
btw.. I'll miss someone special while I'm in Nicaragua mwah to that person
one paper.. and one finals left... I stayed up for 42 hours straight... fuuuuuun... and I still did only so so on that final. It looks like I'm getting all Bs... didn't get all those As I needed on the finals. Oh well.. my GPA is just getting closer and closer to 3.0... which is bad for Med schools.. but what can you do?
Dey hasn't been on very much lately.. and that makes me a little sad.. I am leaving for Nicaragua Monday till the 26th..
Nothing else is really going on.. I'm packing up my stuff for the summer.. my parents are coming in to help... I may be going down south for a day to help my friend with his stuff.. but I think I'm off the hook on that.
well... food time I suppose.. I may have more to talk about later...
Be careful man, and remember always refuse a dinner invitation at least 3 times. Wait, maybe that's Jordan. Oh well, just don't eat dinner, and you'll be fine.
I MISS YOU!!! get back here!!