well, it most certainly is about time i updated here. my long absence can be explained by two things:
1. work (i have 4 jobs at the moment); and
2. the boy (despite my best judgement i have started seeing someone).
a possible 3. the amount of distracting wildlife in my urban backyard (i counted 7 squirrels and 2 racoons and 12 goldfish, but those shouldn't count as they were placed in the pond artificially via a plastic bag by my landlord; though they most certainly could be the blame for the other animals that are attracted, as racoons especially find goldfish a delectable treat (i wouldn't be surprised if there were less than 12 fish in the pond now). but i digress. and at great lengths at that.
all stories of the invading fauna aside, i have been extremely busy. last week i worked 61.5 h and the situation does not appear to be improving much. my jobs are: 1. full-time administrative duties at the french dept. at the uni; 2. teaching 2 conversation courses as a TA at the uni; 3. tutoring; and 4. working on weekends in guelph at the group home. i am exhausted. due to my loooooooong and burdensome week, i had 0 days off this lovely canada day long weekend. add that to the 0 days off during the weekdays and you've got my life.
nevertheless, i managed to squeeze in 2 dates with the wonderful boy i am seeing. i wrote about him a few entries ago, i believe i referred to him as "the new love of my life". hah. i might just be right on the money this time. i know it is unbelievably irresponsible of me to start something 2 months before i leave the continent for at least a year, but this is too deliciously good (not to mention uncomplicated [as of yet]) to pass up.
since he lives in guelph, i only see him on weekends, so i suppose i look forward to my shifts at the group homes and sleeping on couches [at my family's home, where i ever so graciously and most definately presumptiously gave up my room to my unappreciative brother]. in consequence to my badly-timed kindness, and in addition to my many hours of work, i have not had a proper full night's slumber for several weeks. this leaves me too fatigued for anything even remotely social during the weekdays. my socializing is limited to my classes and the student i tutor. as sad as it may sound, no one has ever paid me $30/h for french conversation. hm. puts things into a rather escort-esque perspective, doesn't it?
the boy will come and visit me this weekend, however, and i refused a shift at my guelph job (which felt so damn pleasurable, no matter what the pleasure quotient of this weekend will be, i am almost satisfied already). this is to be our first overnight/out of guelph date and i look forward to it immensely.
i don't know when my next update will be. so happy birthday, christmas, and valentine's day, belated or in advance.
here's a few random pictures.
i look acceptable in sepia. even with fucked-up bangs. yeah.
1. work (i have 4 jobs at the moment); and
2. the boy (despite my best judgement i have started seeing someone).
a possible 3. the amount of distracting wildlife in my urban backyard (i counted 7 squirrels and 2 racoons and 12 goldfish, but those shouldn't count as they were placed in the pond artificially via a plastic bag by my landlord; though they most certainly could be the blame for the other animals that are attracted, as racoons especially find goldfish a delectable treat (i wouldn't be surprised if there were less than 12 fish in the pond now). but i digress. and at great lengths at that.
all stories of the invading fauna aside, i have been extremely busy. last week i worked 61.5 h and the situation does not appear to be improving much. my jobs are: 1. full-time administrative duties at the french dept. at the uni; 2. teaching 2 conversation courses as a TA at the uni; 3. tutoring; and 4. working on weekends in guelph at the group home. i am exhausted. due to my loooooooong and burdensome week, i had 0 days off this lovely canada day long weekend. add that to the 0 days off during the weekdays and you've got my life.
nevertheless, i managed to squeeze in 2 dates with the wonderful boy i am seeing. i wrote about him a few entries ago, i believe i referred to him as "the new love of my life". hah. i might just be right on the money this time. i know it is unbelievably irresponsible of me to start something 2 months before i leave the continent for at least a year, but this is too deliciously good (not to mention uncomplicated [as of yet]) to pass up.
since he lives in guelph, i only see him on weekends, so i suppose i look forward to my shifts at the group homes and sleeping on couches [at my family's home, where i ever so graciously and most definately presumptiously gave up my room to my unappreciative brother]. in consequence to my badly-timed kindness, and in addition to my many hours of work, i have not had a proper full night's slumber for several weeks. this leaves me too fatigued for anything even remotely social during the weekdays. my socializing is limited to my classes and the student i tutor. as sad as it may sound, no one has ever paid me $30/h for french conversation. hm. puts things into a rather escort-esque perspective, doesn't it?
the boy will come and visit me this weekend, however, and i refused a shift at my guelph job (which felt so damn pleasurable, no matter what the pleasure quotient of this weekend will be, i am almost satisfied already). this is to be our first overnight/out of guelph date and i look forward to it immensely.
i don't know when my next update will be. so happy birthday, christmas, and valentine's day, belated or in advance.
here's a few random pictures.

i look acceptable in sepia. even with fucked-up bangs. yeah.
ditto that.

I hope everything's been going well in your super busy life.