having survived this week (it's almost over, thank god), it is high time to update.
my convocation was on tuesday. it was hellishly hot because administration does not seem to care about my (or any other graduate's) health and well-being. you see, the ceremony was held in a gigantic tent on one of the most humid days of the year. brilliant! let's recreate that outdoor feeling inside a stuffy tent while our celebrated graduates (who dished out upwards of 30 grand for their education) come within an inch of fainting while wearing heavy, black, long robes and slly hats! and then, let's give them alumni pins as presents! because EVERYONE needs those... water? please! they survived three hour exams after pulling all-nighters, they're troopers! they don't need water! oh all right. if they complain that they're about to faint, we'll give them a bottle of our finest aquafina.
oh i know! at the reception, let's only serve artificially coloured green and orange punch! with loooooots of sugar. they're going to need the energy. oh they'll be fine with that. water is completely unnecessary. and while we're at it, let's only order food that contains looooots of sugar and wheat. that way everyone can eat and be superenergized.
by the time the ceremony was over, i was shaking for a number of reasons: 1. i was dehydrated (no water for 5 hours standing, waiting in lines, wearing heavy robes in humid tents will do that); 2. i was starving (and alas, at the reception they served the following foods: sandwiches, cake, cupcakes. all gluten-y, cannot eat, will make sick. ew.); and 3. i needed a cigarette.
my parents insisted on getting giddy with the cameraS(!) while all i wanted to do was get that cursed robe off of me and satisfy my thirst, hunger, and nicotine addiction. i was not a very pleasant or thankful girl. but it's hard to get sentimental in such situations.
from where i was sitting (waaaaaay back on the top bleacher), i had a clear view of york president lorna marsden's noggin, but most especially her blondish locks blowing pleasantly due to a gentle breeze generated by a fan directly in front of her seat. poor thing was so cold, she actually turned the fan slighly askew during the middle of the ceremony.
anyway, all bitterness aside, i received my 2 diplomas: BA honours, and BED. i grew a bit sentimental when i saw my first year ED prof standing at the end of the line of the many who shook my hand. she cried and gave me a huge hug. it was lovely to see her there.
fuck. who reads my shit when it's this long? i'm stopping right now.
oh yes. i now have my plane ticket for france! bye bye canada, as of august 29th, 15:30. huzzah!
my convocation was on tuesday. it was hellishly hot because administration does not seem to care about my (or any other graduate's) health and well-being. you see, the ceremony was held in a gigantic tent on one of the most humid days of the year. brilliant! let's recreate that outdoor feeling inside a stuffy tent while our celebrated graduates (who dished out upwards of 30 grand for their education) come within an inch of fainting while wearing heavy, black, long robes and slly hats! and then, let's give them alumni pins as presents! because EVERYONE needs those... water? please! they survived three hour exams after pulling all-nighters, they're troopers! they don't need water! oh all right. if they complain that they're about to faint, we'll give them a bottle of our finest aquafina.
oh i know! at the reception, let's only serve artificially coloured green and orange punch! with loooooots of sugar. they're going to need the energy. oh they'll be fine with that. water is completely unnecessary. and while we're at it, let's only order food that contains looooots of sugar and wheat. that way everyone can eat and be superenergized.
by the time the ceremony was over, i was shaking for a number of reasons: 1. i was dehydrated (no water for 5 hours standing, waiting in lines, wearing heavy robes in humid tents will do that); 2. i was starving (and alas, at the reception they served the following foods: sandwiches, cake, cupcakes. all gluten-y, cannot eat, will make sick. ew.); and 3. i needed a cigarette.
my parents insisted on getting giddy with the cameraS(!) while all i wanted to do was get that cursed robe off of me and satisfy my thirst, hunger, and nicotine addiction. i was not a very pleasant or thankful girl. but it's hard to get sentimental in such situations.
from where i was sitting (waaaaaay back on the top bleacher), i had a clear view of york president lorna marsden's noggin, but most especially her blondish locks blowing pleasantly due to a gentle breeze generated by a fan directly in front of her seat. poor thing was so cold, she actually turned the fan slighly askew during the middle of the ceremony.
anyway, all bitterness aside, i received my 2 diplomas: BA honours, and BED. i grew a bit sentimental when i saw my first year ED prof standing at the end of the line of the many who shook my hand. she cried and gave me a huge hug. it was lovely to see her there.
fuck. who reads my shit when it's this long? i'm stopping right now.

oh yes. i now have my plane ticket for france! bye bye canada, as of august 29th, 15:30. huzzah!
Congrats on everything
and i'm going to hide in your suitcase going to france

congratulations on your recent achievments...you have very nice blue eyes, has anyone told you that before?