i don't even know where to begin this entry. i'm exhausted and still slightly hung over, but it was well worth it.
last night, i attended the sg toronto prom. to say it was 'grand' would not suffice. i had a great time. i won't even attempt to name everyone i met last night. there are also those who i met and said, oh, so that's who that was.
in retrospect, i should not have dressed up so much. i suppose i went overboard because it is oh so rare that i get to attend events like last night's. my feet are very very mad at me right now. i abused them and they will not forgive me for a long time, i'm sure.
there i am, before the pain set in, by my rizzo art and closet. i really don't like how i did my hair. meh. next yeear, i will not dress up so much, wear such high heels, and do ridiculous things to my regularly straightened good hair.
anyway. we got there too early (damn me and my punctuality) and so after standing around idly for a while (during which time i met most who were there already, including le montrealais Guillaume, who is swell and trs cute) , mirna and i went to shaun's place down the street, all dressed up. that was interesting. sadly, shaun was not in, but his roommates were there so wee chewed the fat a lil bit and killed some time with great conversation.
upon our return to prom, more people had showed up. it was lovely to see Gardimus, the e-snob, who was rather cynical, as usual. Chanel showed up with luke, mike, and SimonBaker, who has THE best name on this planet (it just rolls off the tongue).
The drinks kept coming (i really don't recall how many i had, but lots lots lots), and this led to dancing, which eventually led me to where i am today, sitting on my ass, massaging my swollen angry feet.
Lisseth, my darling HugsyGirl, and the other hot bitches we were dancing with (it's all sort of hazy by now, i can't recall who all was there) were superfly dancers. it helped that the music was enjoyable. thank you, djs. scandaleux looked very hot (thank you muchos for organizing). her date told me i looked like i slutty minnie mouse. outrage! i guess i can sort of see it now, though.
we left at the very end and went to pita pit, where i had a rather unpleasant incident with a rude motherfucker who beckoned me to him. i told him i'm not going anywhere, i've been on my feet all night. to this, the brutish simpleton replied, "would you like to be on your back for 10 minutes?" silence. you could've heard a pin drop. "no." "you sure?" "i'm sure." the nerve of that asshole. i wish i would have had the nerve to tell him off. i was in shock, however, and i was all by myself while he sat there with his equally disgusting friends. ugh.
today we went to breakfast at shanghai, where i met (and re-met) yet some more people. then, i took a rather grumpy mirna to the bus stop before meeting up with HugsyGirl, tom, Cereal_Killer, and xbattletoadsx. we were to sight-see and loaf around. we ran into the beautiful Metric who distracted us and so hugsy and i sucked as tour guides. nevertheless, the day was lovely and fun. i hope metric is not hurting so much from that spectacular fall she had while attempting to jump for a photo. poor girl.
bah. long entry, sorry. here's some of my favourite pictures from last night. there are more in an aptly titled album by my photos.
chanel and i.
metric and hugsygirl. hot.
clearly drunken group of guillaume, lemonkid, and moi.
i love this me.
last night, i attended the sg toronto prom. to say it was 'grand' would not suffice. i had a great time. i won't even attempt to name everyone i met last night. there are also those who i met and said, oh, so that's who that was.
in retrospect, i should not have dressed up so much. i suppose i went overboard because it is oh so rare that i get to attend events like last night's. my feet are very very mad at me right now. i abused them and they will not forgive me for a long time, i'm sure.

there i am, before the pain set in, by my rizzo art and closet. i really don't like how i did my hair. meh. next yeear, i will not dress up so much, wear such high heels, and do ridiculous things to my regularly straightened good hair.
anyway. we got there too early (damn me and my punctuality) and so after standing around idly for a while (during which time i met most who were there already, including le montrealais Guillaume, who is swell and trs cute) , mirna and i went to shaun's place down the street, all dressed up. that was interesting. sadly, shaun was not in, but his roommates were there so wee chewed the fat a lil bit and killed some time with great conversation.
upon our return to prom, more people had showed up. it was lovely to see Gardimus, the e-snob, who was rather cynical, as usual. Chanel showed up with luke, mike, and SimonBaker, who has THE best name on this planet (it just rolls off the tongue).
The drinks kept coming (i really don't recall how many i had, but lots lots lots), and this led to dancing, which eventually led me to where i am today, sitting on my ass, massaging my swollen angry feet.
Lisseth, my darling HugsyGirl, and the other hot bitches we were dancing with (it's all sort of hazy by now, i can't recall who all was there) were superfly dancers. it helped that the music was enjoyable. thank you, djs. scandaleux looked very hot (thank you muchos for organizing). her date told me i looked like i slutty minnie mouse. outrage! i guess i can sort of see it now, though.
we left at the very end and went to pita pit, where i had a rather unpleasant incident with a rude motherfucker who beckoned me to him. i told him i'm not going anywhere, i've been on my feet all night. to this, the brutish simpleton replied, "would you like to be on your back for 10 minutes?" silence. you could've heard a pin drop. "no." "you sure?" "i'm sure." the nerve of that asshole. i wish i would have had the nerve to tell him off. i was in shock, however, and i was all by myself while he sat there with his equally disgusting friends. ugh.
today we went to breakfast at shanghai, where i met (and re-met) yet some more people. then, i took a rather grumpy mirna to the bus stop before meeting up with HugsyGirl, tom, Cereal_Killer, and xbattletoadsx. we were to sight-see and loaf around. we ran into the beautiful Metric who distracted us and so hugsy and i sucked as tour guides. nevertheless, the day was lovely and fun. i hope metric is not hurting so much from that spectacular fall she had while attempting to jump for a photo. poor girl.
bah. long entry, sorry. here's some of my favourite pictures from last night. there are more in an aptly titled album by my photos.

chanel and i.

metric and hugsygirl. hot.

clearly drunken group of guillaume, lemonkid, and moi.

i love this me.