well well well and i come skulking back, tail between legs, mouth swollen open with things to say. oh coffeine, you substance of the devil.
at long last, i can breathe. it feels nice, but exhausting (here we are. yet another thing i find exhausting. will the madness ever cease to haunt me?)
what have i been doing? attempting to adjust or readjust to my schedule, which for a brief time i considered superior to that of teaching - lies. i work very much. i am broke very much. i've had word from bordeaux (yes, the city. she knows me quite well - and will know me better yet.) and they want me there by september 1st. these news have sent me into panic mode for i have no money and now i must depart weeks before i had initially planned, thereby forgoing a few paychecks.
no matter. excitement grows. i'm trying to be stingy and it's not working out. to compensate, i'm picking up mad mad (never say never again) night shifts at the old job on the weekends. so that's 6 days i worked this week. see? it's not all falling into my lap...
working in an office may be a slight improvement to cleaning in the early hours of dawn in a home that is not my own, but it offers some disadvantages. i'm not getting into this; this is to be a cheerful and slightly dizzying, rambling entry.
i have had 2 fantastic outings that i really had to push myself to attend. one involved drunken serbs (and much much singing). it was amusing, albeit i sobered up much too quickly. the event left me with a sliiiiiiiight crush (too strong - appreciation) for my best friend's little brother. oh if he was just 4 years older...
the second event took place this friday and involved a surprise good-bye party for alison and her lover. they depart for PEI, sadly. the event was in scarborough, which was scary. walking along GO train tracks in clicky shoes and an ipod (darling blanche), causes one to ask oneself just what the fuck did i get myself into here. but once i arrived (cigarettes smoked: 3), it was lovely. and sad.
the party was swell. i met a boy who looks a little like jake gyllenhall. i have a picture but you don't get to see. we made out a bit, because i am a make-out slut. he's sweet, but i'm going to france.
the rest of the evening involved many breasts (of the male and female variety). not mine though.
here's a few pictures. no breasts, but an ass. guess which picture that is. hardy har har.
punctuate this sentence (erm. phrase): peacock bitch
vuk, moi, ali, who is sooooo good for my ego. oh how i'll miss her.
"jake" took this. way too close though.
believe it or not, i have yet more to say, but i fear it has been too long already. therefore i depart to read my newly acquired 'jitterbug perfume'.
quote of the day: It is to erase the fixed smiles of sleeping couples that Satan trained roosters to crow at five in the morning. - Robbins
random linguistics fact: in french, all nouns ending with -tion are of the feminine genre. e.i. une ducation, une invitation, etc.
at long last, i can breathe. it feels nice, but exhausting (here we are. yet another thing i find exhausting. will the madness ever cease to haunt me?)
what have i been doing? attempting to adjust or readjust to my schedule, which for a brief time i considered superior to that of teaching - lies. i work very much. i am broke very much. i've had word from bordeaux (yes, the city. she knows me quite well - and will know me better yet.) and they want me there by september 1st. these news have sent me into panic mode for i have no money and now i must depart weeks before i had initially planned, thereby forgoing a few paychecks.
no matter. excitement grows. i'm trying to be stingy and it's not working out. to compensate, i'm picking up mad mad (never say never again) night shifts at the old job on the weekends. so that's 6 days i worked this week. see? it's not all falling into my lap...
working in an office may be a slight improvement to cleaning in the early hours of dawn in a home that is not my own, but it offers some disadvantages. i'm not getting into this; this is to be a cheerful and slightly dizzying, rambling entry.
i have had 2 fantastic outings that i really had to push myself to attend. one involved drunken serbs (and much much singing). it was amusing, albeit i sobered up much too quickly. the event left me with a sliiiiiiiight crush (too strong - appreciation) for my best friend's little brother. oh if he was just 4 years older...
the second event took place this friday and involved a surprise good-bye party for alison and her lover. they depart for PEI, sadly. the event was in scarborough, which was scary. walking along GO train tracks in clicky shoes and an ipod (darling blanche), causes one to ask oneself just what the fuck did i get myself into here. but once i arrived (cigarettes smoked: 3), it was lovely. and sad.
the party was swell. i met a boy who looks a little like jake gyllenhall. i have a picture but you don't get to see. we made out a bit, because i am a make-out slut. he's sweet, but i'm going to france.
the rest of the evening involved many breasts (of the male and female variety). not mine though.
here's a few pictures. no breasts, but an ass. guess which picture that is. hardy har har.

punctuate this sentence (erm. phrase): peacock bitch

vuk, moi, ali, who is sooooo good for my ego. oh how i'll miss her.

"jake" took this. way too close though.
believe it or not, i have yet more to say, but i fear it has been too long already. therefore i depart to read my newly acquired 'jitterbug perfume'.
quote of the day: It is to erase the fixed smiles of sleeping couples that Satan trained roosters to crow at five in the morning. - Robbins
random linguistics fact: in french, all nouns ending with -tion are of the feminine genre. e.i. une ducation, une invitation, etc.
And fine, I'll pay the stupid parking. But I'm mailing them a twoonie.