at long last, an update about the birthday weekend.
firstly, thank you for the birthday wishes. you are all much too sweet. you had me purring like a kitten at all the attention. though i daresay i felt i deserved it; i get quite self-righteous and greedy around my birthday. i love you, k? trust.
so friday i had my last teaching day. huzzah! no more this (until next monday evening):
oh casual friday. i will miss having an excuse to wear chucks (or the 80s scrunch elven boots , in this instance) to a place of supposed higher education.
friday was fantastic. not only did i get to say good-bye to my hectic-ish ball of stress (that is teaching) but i was taken out for sushi by my crazy host teacher and sister and 2 friends (who taught at the same school). of course the teacher's 1987 honda civic decided that friday will be a good to die. we spent the majority of the ride to his place trying not to laugh at my groaning, swearing teacher (he could not switch gears) while fearing for out lives.
but i digress. once at his place, i began the drinking. it continued steadily during and after sushi. i had a few friends over at my place (we polished off some chocolatey liquour - both clear and brown - we don't discriminate) before heading out to meet up with other dear dear friends at the dance cave.
as i had suspected, 1/2 the people i enticed to come dancing disliked the dance cave. the other half loved it. thankfully i fall into the latter category; thankfully i was too juiced to care too much about what others thought.
my darling darling sister (whom i dressed and made up for the evening - observe in photo below) came to stay with me and came out with me and my group of vagabond friends. the little vixen got hit on something fierce.
here we are, both in my clothing. like night and day, though.
anyway. HugsyGirl , scandeleux, and DuckyBoy were there with some other top-notch compadres. thank you, my lovelies.
we laughed, we danced, we drank (well, i did), we forgot what happened (once again, just me, perhaps). i do recall macking on some dude. in retrospect, that is embarassing. i mean, who does that anymore? evidently, i still do.
anyway. the next morning sis and i were up early and ready to get to guelph where i got to do it all over again except in a slightly smaller group (all girls, this time) and a completely different environment (that was the boo/hiss factor). it was fun. i was drunk (shock surprise).
no making out, at least. no one worthy of a second glance in that place.. i need my rockstar.
anyway. i'd like to appologize to starguitar for drunk-msging on friday. not really for msging but for only talking about how drunk i was. that must have been an interesting, if not stimulating conversation.
today i received an unexpected (if not troubling) phonecall. i write this not because i want to talk about it, but because i want to remember that it happened.
i started my new job today, as well. i need rest. so i'll tell that tale some other time. and i promise it won't be as long as this one.
firstly, thank you for the birthday wishes. you are all much too sweet. you had me purring like a kitten at all the attention. though i daresay i felt i deserved it; i get quite self-righteous and greedy around my birthday. i love you, k? trust.
so friday i had my last teaching day. huzzah! no more this (until next monday evening):

oh casual friday. i will miss having an excuse to wear chucks (or the 80s scrunch elven boots , in this instance) to a place of supposed higher education.
friday was fantastic. not only did i get to say good-bye to my hectic-ish ball of stress (that is teaching) but i was taken out for sushi by my crazy host teacher and sister and 2 friends (who taught at the same school). of course the teacher's 1987 honda civic decided that friday will be a good to die. we spent the majority of the ride to his place trying not to laugh at my groaning, swearing teacher (he could not switch gears) while fearing for out lives.
but i digress. once at his place, i began the drinking. it continued steadily during and after sushi. i had a few friends over at my place (we polished off some chocolatey liquour - both clear and brown - we don't discriminate) before heading out to meet up with other dear dear friends at the dance cave.
as i had suspected, 1/2 the people i enticed to come dancing disliked the dance cave. the other half loved it. thankfully i fall into the latter category; thankfully i was too juiced to care too much about what others thought.
my darling darling sister (whom i dressed and made up for the evening - observe in photo below) came to stay with me and came out with me and my group of vagabond friends. the little vixen got hit on something fierce.

here we are, both in my clothing. like night and day, though.
anyway. HugsyGirl , scandeleux, and DuckyBoy were there with some other top-notch compadres. thank you, my lovelies.

anyway. the next morning sis and i were up early and ready to get to guelph where i got to do it all over again except in a slightly smaller group (all girls, this time) and a completely different environment (that was the boo/hiss factor). it was fun. i was drunk (shock surprise).

no making out, at least. no one worthy of a second glance in that place.. i need my rockstar.
anyway. i'd like to appologize to starguitar for drunk-msging on friday. not really for msging but for only talking about how drunk i was. that must have been an interesting, if not stimulating conversation.
today i received an unexpected (if not troubling) phonecall. i write this not because i want to talk about it, but because i want to remember that it happened.
i started my new job today, as well. i need rest. so i'll tell that tale some other time. and i promise it won't be as long as this one.
Your friendly neighborhood teddykev