that's a terrible picture. wtf is with the bangs? the cleavage doesn't even redeem it. meh.
my lack of updating can be attributed to the four week teaching block i began on monday. i have been completely exhausted every day.
today, i invigilate a first year exam at my university and thus, i do not teach at my placement. i was still up at 8 am, however; i suppose my body is used to waking at an ungodly hour.
thus far, teaching has gone fairly well. i'm working with another student teacher (we're team-teaching) and this makes is entirely bearable, though still exhausting.
a few things have happened since i last updated:
- a 7 year old fell out of the 7th floor of the building i used to live in last year.
- i had a snarky sass-fest from one of my (better) students. she appologized in the end but i swear, i could have exploded. glad i didn't.
- i was "put in my place" by an old-school, bitchy teacher at my placement for interrupting her. i said, "i'm sorry for interrupting, but...". she yelled at me, screaming, "I WASN'T FINISHED!" i was stung and stunned and didn't know how to respond, except to say, "yes. that is why i said i was sorry." it was a horrid display of insecurity and hierarchtic mentality. i wish i would have responded in a more satisfying and dignified manner. once again, i could have exploded. glad i didn't.
- starting this weekend, i work during the day! at last.
- i'm sorry for being so absent (on msn as well as online, in general). i have no energy.
- i finished developing a senior french drama unit based on Le Petit Prince. i'm pretty damn proud of it. this is to be handed in today.
oh. and i don't really look like that photograph of myself these days. add some slightly teacher-y clothes, circles around my eyes, and a jesus-y halo.
i knew this one kid, who wouldn't take blood transfusions so they gave him apple juice instead.
and in the fall, he changed colour, fell out of a tree and died.
oh KITH.
It was nice chatting with you online the other daysorry its taken me a while to get back to your comment.
Choosing a career because your parents want you to never seems like a good idea to me! I hope you at least find it somewhat fulfilling and stimulating. Otherwise, why bother? Well, I suppose there are lots of reasons to bother, money being one of the biggest. But I completely understand the position youre in You are a creative, dynamic person and your talents should not go to waste.
All I know is that when I write articles and do the layout for Indigo, Im happy. Im fulfilled. I can work for three hours straight without realizing it. Sometimes I can get really excited about teaching, but often times I feel like a stranger who doesnt belong.
Ack such tough decisions!
Anyway, I hope things work out for you. When do you leave for France by the way? I hope we get to talk before then.