i see STARS in a week! perhaps the most excited about seeing this band i've EVER been about seeing a band. to make things even more exciting, this morning i was doing a bit of browsing and came across the e-mail address of ibi kaslik, montreal author of "skinny", a novel i loved and related to perhaps even too much. she also writes these short prose-poetry pieces on the insets of the stars' cds.
naturally, i wrote her an e-mail, in which i attempted to express how reading her novel made me feel. i mentioned i'll be going to see the stars on saturday. i've had a reply already! she might be at the stars show too and told me to say hi. that'd be pretty cool, meeting an author i have a lot of respect for while listening to the band i've been loving above all bands lately.
in other news, metric will be at the mod club on jan. 21st and i'll be in attendance. i just spent like 15 minutes trying to link their page but i can't even find it.
and i cannot stop listening to the killers. i'm serious. there's not one thing i dislike about 'hot fuss'. well, that's untrue. the only thing i dislike about the album is that it's too damn short. seriously. is it like 40 minutes? i swear it's the shortest album i've ever heard. but i don't care. i like it a lot. obey the banner at the top of the sg page. (or just buy it at hmv for $14.99, like i did)
stars stars stars (and maybe ibi kaslik!) in a week!
naturally, i wrote her an e-mail, in which i attempted to express how reading her novel made me feel. i mentioned i'll be going to see the stars on saturday. i've had a reply already! she might be at the stars show too and told me to say hi. that'd be pretty cool, meeting an author i have a lot of respect for while listening to the band i've been loving above all bands lately.
in other news, metric will be at the mod club on jan. 21st and i'll be in attendance. i just spent like 15 minutes trying to link their page but i can't even find it.
and i cannot stop listening to the killers. i'm serious. there's not one thing i dislike about 'hot fuss'. well, that's untrue. the only thing i dislike about the album is that it's too damn short. seriously. is it like 40 minutes? i swear it's the shortest album i've ever heard. but i don't care. i like it a lot. obey the banner at the top of the sg page. (or just buy it at hmv for $14.99, like i did)
stars stars stars (and maybe ibi kaslik!) in a week!
we get cd's for 7.99-9.99.
Having the oportunity to meet an author who left an impression on you, tres cool indeed
Hey thanks for dropping by teddy's world, you deserve a medal or your very own little Stanley cup for reading my last entry.
Your friendly neighbourhood teddykev