well, i am alive.
i got a haircut from rodrigo yesterday. it's a little bit of roll and a little bit of rock. or the otherway around. it's diggable. but not for everybody. personally, i like it lots. i feel fierce. pictures will be uploaded and posted at a later time. i can't be bothered right now.
and now i am going to walk to yonge and eglinton for no reason whatsoever. well, that's not true. i'm doing it for exercice and the love of walking. upon my arrival, i shall seek out a second cup, order a cafe americano (double shot) in a lg cup, sit and read one of the fantastic books i bought today, read. once i'm finished, i shall purchase papertowels, air freshener, and razors. then, i will walk my ass home.
it appears that i might be socializing this evening with monique and angie. we shall see. the plan is to go out. i just want to go to queenshead and rock the haircut. i doubt monique would be up for that. oh the divaness. for all i know they might cancel. it is exam-season afterall.
no matter. i feel good. the books purchased today are as follows:
1. Salam Pax: The Baghdad Blog
2. J.M. Coetzee: Waiting for the Barbarians
3. T.S. Eliot: The Waste Land and other poems
the first book is the most interesting, i believe. it's an actual blog of an anonymous iraqi from sept. 2002 to june 2003. i will be starting off my holiday reading for fun with that particular book.
and now i'm off for the walk.
i got a haircut from rodrigo yesterday. it's a little bit of roll and a little bit of rock. or the otherway around. it's diggable. but not for everybody. personally, i like it lots. i feel fierce. pictures will be uploaded and posted at a later time. i can't be bothered right now.
and now i am going to walk to yonge and eglinton for no reason whatsoever. well, that's not true. i'm doing it for exercice and the love of walking. upon my arrival, i shall seek out a second cup, order a cafe americano (double shot) in a lg cup, sit and read one of the fantastic books i bought today, read. once i'm finished, i shall purchase papertowels, air freshener, and razors. then, i will walk my ass home.
it appears that i might be socializing this evening with monique and angie. we shall see. the plan is to go out. i just want to go to queenshead and rock the haircut. i doubt monique would be up for that. oh the divaness. for all i know they might cancel. it is exam-season afterall.
no matter. i feel good. the books purchased today are as follows:
1. Salam Pax: The Baghdad Blog
2. J.M. Coetzee: Waiting for the Barbarians
3. T.S. Eliot: The Waste Land and other poems
the first book is the most interesting, i believe. it's an actual blog of an anonymous iraqi from sept. 2002 to june 2003. i will be starting off my holiday reading for fun with that particular book.
and now i'm off for the walk.
Man that Iraqui deal sounds mucho cool
Can't wait to see new pics O the hair girlfriend souds Killah Kool
Happy Americano and paper towell hunting YO!
Your friendly neighbourhood teddykev
mmm.. I want an espresso now. I bought a stovetop espresso about a month ago.. It's so handy. Plus I just realized that first thing in the morning, the perfect "wake me up without making me zany" drink is a single shot topped up with whipped cream. YUM!