ever since i've had my ipod up and running i've been listening to it non-stop. as a result i have gotten some skratches on it.
so yesterday i put it in a ziploc bag and was walking around with it all day. it looks like an IV bag. i should get one of those wheel-y stands and just wheel it around. it'd be more effective.
so, for most of you who attempted, the mission was unsuccessful. i knew it wouldn't be easy. especially since i didn't even have any luck locating the lyrics for the song. but thanks for trying.
stay tuned for new and exciting missions to come. i'll try to make it a bit easier next time.
so yesterday i put it in a ziploc bag and was walking around with it all day. it looks like an IV bag. i should get one of those wheel-y stands and just wheel it around. it'd be more effective.
so, for most of you who attempted, the mission was unsuccessful. i knew it wouldn't be easy. especially since i didn't even have any luck locating the lyrics for the song. but thanks for trying.
stay tuned for new and exciting missions to come. i'll try to make it a bit easier next time.

actually I just out one on my wishlist so maybe I can get it for christmas or something.
I just recently spent a few thou on a new laptop so I'm done buying myself expensive toys...at least for another year.
hey what was the mission? maybe I can help.
and yes I miss living in hungary very much. I love my life here in the states and I've accomplished quite a lot. but every year I go back and I start fantasizing about how great it would be to live there again.
I love my people, my food, my culture...*sigh*...this year I was thinking of going back and maybe teaching english in budapest. shit I just love that city.
but these are just thoughts...only time will tell if they will become reality.