i hate thanksgiving. mostly because i'm not a really thankful person. i know the americans amongst us now are thinking, huh? thanksgiving's not for a month and a half! well, here in canada, we like to be ahead of the game.
early or not, i don't like this "holiday". thus, enbittered and suspiciously awake, i have made a very pessimistic list of things i am not thankful for:
1. my job. if you are a faithful (and therefore insane) reader of my journal, you already know this one. i realize there are millions of unemployed people all over who would love to have the chance at my job. well, you can have it. it is likely i will be quitting soon. or just continuing to bitch, eager as ever for an opportunity to vent (a more likely scenario).
2. school. what is the point? i'm serious. it does nothing to motivate me, in fact, i find it repulsively boring at times. where will it get me if i don't want to do what i thought i wanted to five years ago (which i don't)?
3. my body. i'm hating it right now. what's with the breaking out? what am i? 14?
4. my family. wholesome thanksgiving dinner, my ass. every year, amend that, every 'special' occassion we fight at the dinner table. perhaps this is normal? in my family, apparantly so. i wish i could just have one weekend away from them all.
5. the cats. they are attacking me every time i walk down the stairs. my new theory is that they can read my mind and know how much i want to kick them lately.
6. meeting people. can we say 'lowered expectations'? no more of that shit either.
i am a cynical bastard, i know. i wish i could find one solitary reason to smile this weekend. if i do, i'll be thankful for that moment and this might just turn out to be the most effective thanksgiving this little canadian's ever seen.
early or not, i don't like this "holiday". thus, enbittered and suspiciously awake, i have made a very pessimistic list of things i am not thankful for:
1. my job. if you are a faithful (and therefore insane) reader of my journal, you already know this one. i realize there are millions of unemployed people all over who would love to have the chance at my job. well, you can have it. it is likely i will be quitting soon. or just continuing to bitch, eager as ever for an opportunity to vent (a more likely scenario).
2. school. what is the point? i'm serious. it does nothing to motivate me, in fact, i find it repulsively boring at times. where will it get me if i don't want to do what i thought i wanted to five years ago (which i don't)?
3. my body. i'm hating it right now. what's with the breaking out? what am i? 14?
4. my family. wholesome thanksgiving dinner, my ass. every year, amend that, every 'special' occassion we fight at the dinner table. perhaps this is normal? in my family, apparantly so. i wish i could just have one weekend away from them all.
5. the cats. they are attacking me every time i walk down the stairs. my new theory is that they can read my mind and know how much i want to kick them lately.
6. meeting people. can we say 'lowered expectations'? no more of that shit either.
i am a cynical bastard, i know. i wish i could find one solitary reason to smile this weekend. if i do, i'll be thankful for that moment and this might just turn out to be the most effective thanksgiving this little canadian's ever seen.
thats my best attempt to make you smile.... pretty pathetic