fuckity fuck fuck
i cannot do this work/nosleep/school thing forever. i tried to be brave and say "fuck it, kid, this is the path you chose. now walk it." but im not sure if im up for this challenge. i slept maybe 5 hours the entire weekend. no wonder im so bitchy and unpleasant.
to make matters worse, my ipod is nowhere in sight. darling futureshop phoned me at home (in guelph) when i specifically told them i am unreachable there (i wasnt) to verify my purchase and check the address. the untrusting bastards. they said the item should ship today. is it anywhere in the greater vicinity of toronto? who knows. is it in the greater vicinity of me? absolutely not. i have no music and its driving me crazy. why dont i get to have my consolation prize? boo.
i watched city of god this weekend. disturbing as it was, i liked it much. beautifully done, really. i also watched the butterfly effect (entertaining though not amazing) and 50 first dates (ha! formulaic but shamefully cute cause de my girly-crush, drew barrymore)
why is it that i have the best ideas when im soon to lose consciousness? why is it that im too tired/lazy/stupid (oh just pick one) to write them down?
i want someone to pay me for being me. its pretty damn hard, let me tell you. and by hard, i dont mean getting paid for it (thats impossible) but actually being me. haha. this is what i sound like when i am feeling sorry for myself then. oh count your blessings, you big baby. i have. i dont have nearly enough.
so. if you want to send a blessing my way, you know where to find me.
i cannot do this work/nosleep/school thing forever. i tried to be brave and say "fuck it, kid, this is the path you chose. now walk it." but im not sure if im up for this challenge. i slept maybe 5 hours the entire weekend. no wonder im so bitchy and unpleasant.
to make matters worse, my ipod is nowhere in sight. darling futureshop phoned me at home (in guelph) when i specifically told them i am unreachable there (i wasnt) to verify my purchase and check the address. the untrusting bastards. they said the item should ship today. is it anywhere in the greater vicinity of toronto? who knows. is it in the greater vicinity of me? absolutely not. i have no music and its driving me crazy. why dont i get to have my consolation prize? boo.
i watched city of god this weekend. disturbing as it was, i liked it much. beautifully done, really. i also watched the butterfly effect (entertaining though not amazing) and 50 first dates (ha! formulaic but shamefully cute cause de my girly-crush, drew barrymore)
why is it that i have the best ideas when im soon to lose consciousness? why is it that im too tired/lazy/stupid (oh just pick one) to write them down?
i want someone to pay me for being me. its pretty damn hard, let me tell you. and by hard, i dont mean getting paid for it (thats impossible) but actually being me. haha. this is what i sound like when i am feeling sorry for myself then. oh count your blessings, you big baby. i have. i dont have nearly enough.
so. if you want to send a blessing my way, you know where to find me.
I've been meaning to see City Of God for a while now.. I'm kind of tempted to peel myself out of my pj's and go on a movie run so I have something to do today.. (I stayed home from work) but I really don't think I can muster the energy.
You should get one of those little tape recorders, or a voice recorder for your ipod. Just leave it near you when you go to bed.. then if you have a good idea you can just pick it up and mumble (probably incoherently) into it. Generally just with a few words you can remind yourself of all your ideas.. and if not, you've got weirdo half-asleep ramblings, which is also kind of entertaining.