getting drunk. alone. no ipod yet. maybe soon? i don't know. i really really want one but i'm so clueless as to what the hell i need to get. i don't want to buy it without knowing it will work all right.
today i shook again. no caffeine either. so i'm not sure what is going on in my body.
i don't really like being alone so much. too much time to thinkl, you know? i mean, i hung out with april today and jamie called... so it's not as if i had no one... i'm just not used to living (and drinking) alone. ugh.
damn you white russians.
today i bought pearl earings for myself. it's nice to not depend on anyone to buy me jewelry. not that i ever did. but it's rare that i should buy myself anything real. heh. that's what happens when you get your student loan and have way too much time on your hands.
oh dear. am i drunk.
well, csi is on. and cigarettes are my only companions tonight. oh and the white ruskis.
today i shook again. no caffeine either. so i'm not sure what is going on in my body.
i don't really like being alone so much. too much time to thinkl, you know? i mean, i hung out with april today and jamie called... so it's not as if i had no one... i'm just not used to living (and drinking) alone. ugh.
damn you white russians.
today i bought pearl earings for myself. it's nice to not depend on anyone to buy me jewelry. not that i ever did. but it's rare that i should buy myself anything real. heh. that's what happens when you get your student loan and have way too much time on your hands.
oh dear. am i drunk.
well, csi is on. and cigarettes are my only companions tonight. oh and the white ruskis.
so cute!
oh, it was definately you that i called cute. i re-looked at your pictures, and i was smitten once again.