warning: extremely boring journal entery.
a few things (i might as well do point form, as nothing interesting or detailed has happened)
1. i want to buy a digital camera to go with me to quebec. want to spend $400-$500 max, though $400 would be ideal... any suggestions?
2. work is work. nothing exciting. EXCEPT, i baked the BEST tea biscuits EVER last night. (see? i warned you, though.)
3. i'm going to TO tomorrow to a) possibly look for aptments for the fall; b) send my luggage ahead of me possibly to QUE; c) see the boy
angela is here (coffee). will finish later.
a few things (i might as well do point form, as nothing interesting or detailed has happened)
1. i want to buy a digital camera to go with me to quebec. want to spend $400-$500 max, though $400 would be ideal... any suggestions?
2. work is work. nothing exciting. EXCEPT, i baked the BEST tea biscuits EVER last night. (see? i warned you, though.)
3. i'm going to TO tomorrow to a) possibly look for aptments for the fall; b) send my luggage ahead of me possibly to QUE; c) see the boy
angela is here (coffee). will finish later.
My digi's are both a couple years old now (A40 point n shoot, and D30 dSLR), but they're both Canon's and I love them to pieces. So, my recomendation would be to walk into Henry's, find the Canon that's closest to your budget, and make sure to leave enough money to get a decently sized CF-card (because the one that comes with it will probably hold like 10 images).
Also, when I bought my A40 I found a place online that sells them for super cheap, and then got Black's to pricematch it. I saved quite a bit of money. I recommend the below site for the cheapness. Just print off the page(s) and bring 'em with you.
That's a loooong coffee!