I just made mac n cheese for the first time!!!!! whoot whoot!!!! ok it was easy mac but still, if it wasn't for the little accomplishments I wouldn't have anything to keep me happy (other then a certain someone here on SG
) I know I know your asking yourself how does a 26 year old not ever make something as simple as mac n cheese especially when he is a good cook, hmm no clue why really
just something I never made, I haven't eaten it in at least 15 years and back then other people made it for me lol 
OH and just because I have to gush about it... Rent, buy, netflix, download, or steal Smokin Aces like now people!!!! It is now my number three movie of the year!!!! I feel horrible now for not seeing it in the theatre like I meant to, seeing it on the small screen is such an injustice but alas it is all I have **cries**. For those that are not keeping track the score card is now at:

OH and just because I have to gush about it... Rent, buy, netflix, download, or steal Smokin Aces like now people!!!! It is now my number three movie of the year!!!! I feel horrible now for not seeing it in the theatre like I meant to, seeing it on the small screen is such an injustice but alas it is all I have **cries**. For those that are not keeping track the score card is now at:
- 1. 300
- 2. Children of Men
- 3. Smokin Aces
- 4. Grindhouse
- 5. TBD (To Be Determined)
If you have seen the commercials for the DVD trust me it is true!!!! the movie is the shit!!!! stop reading this blog and get to the store!!!
Oh and the new Avril CD ya it is addicting, like crack.... I listed to it straight through and it felt like it had only been a few minutes yet I had listened to the whole thing, jamming non-stop like a lil pop princess.... I sang along!!!! Damn Canadian crack...
do you think it looks stupid? cause i like it.