yeah I found out I lost one of my jobs, tomorrow is officially my last day.... (mall job not the comic store) So basically I lost my paying job.... Damn boss didn't give us any real warning, just four days notice until they are closing the kiosk. I can deal with it but my mother ran the place and she needed that job. Basically she ran the place by herself and so she could have a day off each week I worked it for her for food money. blahhhhh, I was already having difficulty finding a new job (going on five months now) and now I got no side income to keep me from starving.... Time to try harder, I might have to give in and sell out and become a Best Buy Geek Squad member..... god I didn't want that but thats the only place I can convince to hire me...
and I am too a zombie! and i love shooting zombies too! i have shirt to prove it heheh
that is quite obviously NOT me, but i own that shirt!