Well i finaly told Karlen how i felt. She said, that if she wasn' t with some one right now she defenetly would persue something. But of course she is in a relationship. The main reason that i told her is because my frien told me if i didn't tell her she would. Once i told her i was a huge relief. I was seriously...
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Ah, the dreaded "if I wasn't in a relationship right now". Always bad voodoo. Sorry man. Been there, but, I think most of us have.
I miss you posting on my journal... you always asked the best questions.......
I went to fencing lessons today and it was great, swordfighting is the shit. I also am doing somewhat better. I got some new books, Thus Spake Zarathustra and Bhagavad Gita. There both good so far. But i need a girlfriend right now not a book damnit
thank you....
you brightened my day!!

Fencing is cool. I love the whole idea of the weapon being bendy enough so that when it enters the oponents body it curves, makeing surgery to repair the wound nearly impossible. That and how some times they would put a hook on the end so they could tear the nerves from an oponents hand so he could not fight. Haha. Violence. What can't it do?
Hi, how is everybody? I myself i doing ok, i guess. It seems that i have become very antisocial. So in an effort to fix my problem i think i might go to vertigo on monday. Thats about it talk to you later
Perhaps Pigs is some kind of were-person.
Beware the werechiwawa!!!
Beware the werechiwawa!!!
mmm goth night. it's fun to watch all the people showing off in all their gothy finery. it always just makes me more antisocial though. the mood just HITS. I hope you have fun though. your pic scares me. it scares me a lot. I can just hear its evil yelps and feel its many tiny teeth like razors clamping into my leg.
Well i think i might move to dayton. Cincinnati is to fucking dirty. I am sick of squater punks also. But, anyway, i am working on sewing karlen a corset. I wanted to make and underbust but she wanted something different. I am trying really hard to get a pic up but i just cant find a digital camera. I think that jack off jill...
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My so called friend accused me of stealing some x from her. Which is funny because i dont care enough about drugs to steal them from a friend. I went shopping today and it was rad. I think my last journal entry was a little depressing or something. I dont want people to think that i complain alll of the time. There is absoulutely nothing...
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i have a new email account so if anyone tryed to get a hold of me i probably didnt get it.(some one hacked my old account and changed my password)
Well, my life lately just becomes more and more a downward spiral. I don't know how much i care about things anymore. But, anyway i just got back from camping. It was alright. I went with my friend Karlen and her new boyfriend vinni. My crime spree has ended. It was just some random car theft and other shit. It was fun. I am working...
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If you want online friends you should answer your e-mail
...just teasing...Dead Alive, great movie...Bad Taste, yet another...so many more in that genre, ahhhh bad horror.

Some one hacked my email account and changed my password so my new one is baphomet1666@hotmail.com So if anyone sent me anything chances are i didn't get it
Fuck this, i wrote a really long thing on this journal and it said it updated it but then it wasnt updated at all. Anyway i had a strange day i stole a pickup truck went to Lexington with my friend karlen. We dropped the car off and got a ride back. We had a good reason but i dont remember it now. She said...
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ok. now that u explained it, i kinda understand.
It seems like some girls (even feminists) would rather be with a chauvinist prick than a guy who isn't one.
I've also been told that I'm not a guy, which is fine with me, I couldn't give a fuck about "being a man"
I'm always "just a friend"
Which means i get to hear about what asses their boyfriends are, and of course none of them would ever consider me as a potential boyfriend.
In one of the previous comments, someone said he couldn't think of a moral to the story. But i have.
PEOPLE ARE STUPID, the whole lot of 'em
I've also been told that I'm not a guy, which is fine with me, I couldn't give a fuck about "being a man"
I'm always "just a friend"
Which means i get to hear about what asses their boyfriends are, and of course none of them would ever consider me as a potential boyfriend.
In one of the previous comments, someone said he couldn't think of a moral to the story. But i have.
PEOPLE ARE STUPID, the whole lot of 'em
Well i am watching my friends dog for 2 weeks at there house. It is fucking great i get to staty here by myself. Privacy. I might have some people over but probably only Karlen. She is the shit sometimes i think i am falling for her. O h and they have a whirlpool thingy with water jets. i am saving all my money to...
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Well when i get the money. I want my right arm to be a halloween based sleeve with plenty of pumkins and zombie stuff on it. I also want the goat of mendez on my back, I want that to be very alabrit and colorful. I also want lots of hebrew and aribic writing alover my body that tell different stories. But i am a poor bitch, so it will be a while. Now i am concering myself to save up for classes with fakir musafar. So it will be while before i get the shit together. Plus paul booth site said he was booked for 6 months!!!!!
Boo i hate crushes, i like this girl Karlen but i really dont know how to start something up with her. But anyway i might be going to San Fransico soon to go to one of Fakir Musafar's body peircing classes. Which will be great, they go over branding to. But i am going on a little camping thing with Karlen soon so i will...
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GAHHHHH, I hate crushes too! I started a whole freakin' thread about it.
Cool fantasy.... I love suspension, but not the piercing kind. I really dig Japanese rope bondage suspension with a nice session with a thin bamboo cane. I only let people I trust do this to me, but I've done it to several othner people when I worked as a Domm......
Welll i think i am over all of that bullshit (see last entry) Right now i like this girl karlen. She is the best but she lives a little far but oh well. I dont have a job either but who cares right now. I think my path to happines is along way away. So i just want to hide from things for a while....
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treasury of solisis
treasury of solisis