i finaly met a girl. I was standing around at my friends school. There is this corner where people hang out and she walked up to me and we started talking. I asked her if she needed a ride. So we went to her house and watch a movie. We seemed to get along really well. I asked her for her number. i called today...
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1The trick is not to appear psycho. A flower is always a good standby, and it's hard to go wrong there. Take her to dinner, be honest... If you think she's beautiful, tell her that... And make sure to hold those doors!
2No kind, I loathe guns (in real life, anyway).
3Hmmm... What do you want to do for a living. Guaranteed you won't get that teaching position or that job at the nuclear power plant if you show up for the interview in a herse...
Well call me an idiot but i tryed cocaine. I didnt really like it anyway. All it did was make me really horny. So i am not doing it again.

Funny thing actualy happened after i did it. The next day the girl i did it with got really violently ill off it and went home and now her family knows. Of couirse i just...
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1. something by H.R. Gieger. Or, something that you won't get tired of any time too soon. painting a jacket is almost like getting a tattoo.....
2. keep on keepin' on. Dostuff that I know makes me feel better.
3. The religion of voltaire. I know that sounds stupid but its true. I took all the best truths from a variety of religions, and made my own....
I hope you're doing well - Volt

2)I'm always depressed. So I'd have to list all the things i do. um chain smoke, drink coffee, lay in bed, listen to npr and the Smiths..attempt masterbation but give up.

3) I am a high priestess in a Scully cult. so yeah Scully is my goddess.

I love my job. I found out that my boss is a satanist. So i can talk to him all day about the occult, and hardly do any work. He introduced to alot of books i haven't read yet. So my book list is huge now.

There are so many cokeheads lurking around these days. It is getting on my nerves. If you want to...
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do you know what happened to Jennakitty?
People who dabble in the occult rarely admit it.

It doesn't bother me that this site is so popular... personally, I hope we kick Playboy's ass pretty soon.

Cokehead friends are great, especially if you have friends who dabble in the occult, because you can sort of kill two birds with one stone by pawning the cokeheads off on the Satanists, and no one will really care when the fiends wind up dead and butchered, because frankly, these things often happen in seedy hotel rooms a la Scarface anyways. At least some religious purpose has been served, no?
So many people i have known for a long time are doing cocaine now. I was hanging out with a friend of mine today and she just spreads out a bunch of lines. I myself only smoke pot and i dont even drink. But it is sad to watch all your friends give up on life.

Last night i had the strangest dream that i...
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The military...only if you're into it....I mean really. Now is not the time to enlist, if you are not 100 percent committed to taking part in a REAL military action. There are alternatives...you just have to find them. Every year, they publish a book on grants and loans that you can pick up. It is a very very large book. Before you sign your life over to the armed forces, check one of these books out. They may have it at the library, so you don't have to even buy it.
Hey where's your questions??????? I was just funnin' Got your address....
Work was hell. I had to lift these displays from a truck to the backroom that weighed 100 pounds each and there was 80 of them. But anyway i stilled liked it regardless(i work at halloween express).I am going on a road trip this weekend with a couple of my friends. Including this girl that i went to catholic school with. She is really cool...
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Hehe I might just have to take you up on that offer to go out with you wink
hey! you copied my three questions game.....You must be punnished for this....I never recieved your address....you should actually send it...
1. there's not enough space in an RV
2. I don't spend enough time on line to get in to a fight. Besides, I'm a lover not a fighter.....
3. in the words of Siouxie Sioux.....standed on Venus sands.......
I got a job a t a halloween store. I hope i like i. I am really sad though so i dont want to type much.
I think you did send me an email! But I have like a hundred + flagged in my inbox, and I'm on a pay computer so there is no way to keep up. I apologize at sometimes lapsing into being a terrible correspondant. It's not intentional. I need to hire someone to help me with my life, lol... it's all busy and blech.
Well, I cannot remember what the email said, but here's what I feel about male corsetry... I have never thought of it before, but I do like drag queens, and men with funny feminine bodies, although not always, I have incredibly varied tastes in what is sexshhhhhhhually appealing... I think a man could pull it off well if he were the right type, otherwise it would be a travesty. Have you ever seen the lip service catalogues? Some of them get into male corsetry, the fetish oriencted ones with the vinyl nun dresses and stuff that I want all of... at any rate some of those boys are really hot, but essentially it's not gonna look good on you, seeing as you appear to be a tiny, spunky dog, judging by your profile picture, although it's a contrast to the previous Rozz Williams look you had going for you, heh.
Where's the real Pigs???
I think you're a cool motherfucker, Pigs, seriously, you contribute a lot, and I like it. I always read your posts, partially because I like your name, partiallly because I read Helter Skelter too many times for my own good.
Big huggy stuff to you... don't feel ignored. If you saw Dia-life for just one day, you'd understand how 1-200 emails can wind up unanswered in an inbox!
*mwah* Thanks for being such a doll. And sometimes a bitchy one wink (I like them that way, now kill the Chichuaha and bring on the mug)
Well this has been an interesting weekend. I met a new friend. He's a really nice guy and he was very rich it seems. He just moved here from savanah. Then we went and picked up Maranda and karlen. We drove around for a while then we got alcohol. We started drinking and then went all the close.....The next day i was driving around with...
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What's a chelsea? Does it have another name, perhaps?
a chelsea is a kind of haircut. It's bangs and alittle from the sides in front and then a shaved head
Man i hate everything. Well no i think i probably like 5 things. I had a bad day i of course am doing a bad job trying to get over Karlen. I picked her up today and we ended up hanging out with this guy, who wasn't her noyfriend. Just as she is about to get tired of her boyfriend she found a new guy....
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I am better now if i get worried about money i get off track. My last entry should just be ignored.

But anyway i think i am just going to try and get over Karlen. She is in a relationship. I might be working at the bondage store soon. That will be great, i would be able to talk about really dirty shit all day....
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I totally feel you on the money thing. I freak out and worry like crazy when I'm broke and don't know where it's going to come from.....I'f I worked at a bondage store I wouldn't have a paycheck.....-Volt
I just found out that my best friend is addicted to cocaine. I didn't even have a clue. She was doing it for 4 months everyday. She said that she must have spent 5 grand on it. Steph and I are egomaniacs, always talking about being rich and powerful. So her apparant loss of respect for herself was very disenchanting. I don't want to give...
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I have been reading way to much nietzsche.