Well i had a good weekend. I got my septum pierced. I didn't hurt at all. I guess I've got a weird nose or something. i partied a little bit this weekend. i had an 8 gram nug to so i was stoned for a long while this weekend. i really need to keep up with my reading. I am finishing up Of Human Bondage....
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Getting my septum pierced didn't hurt terribly. What DID hurt was getting a 14g stretched to an 8g. OUCH!
thanks pig... i wish i could add more bands on there.
thanks pig... i wish i could add more bands on there.

it sounds like it would hurt a hell of a lot. i want to get pierced again soon..
I am over her. I dont know how but i am. I have been reading alot lately. I am finishing Of Human Bondage, by W. Somerset Maugham, and i am starting Geek Love. Life is okay right now, I am getting an appointment for a septum piercing when i get the money and I am going to start partying with my friend Ryan when he...
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i thought about going to mortuary school. why did you change your mind? just curious
i'm reading mostly harmless of the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy series and lullabye by chuck palahnuik. of course i've been in the middle of both of them for quite a while now making little progress. i'd hate to do anything productive, you know. heh
I think if i want to get over her i need to distract myself from reality. I have been cleaning obsessively all week. Plus i have been reading alot. So I think I will be ok. At least i am so far. Maybe I need to get out more. I probably sound like some sappy, depressed piece of shit online. But I'm not as vocal...
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1. i like to dye my hair or get something peirced. i feel like a negative change should be counteracted witha positive change.
2. "nothing in this book is true but it's exactly the way things are" by robert frissel.
3. hell fucking yeah! i think...
2. "nothing in this book is true but it's exactly the way things are" by robert frissel.
3. hell fucking yeah! i think...
1. if you refuse to get attached, your heart can't be shattered.
2. the bell jar.
3. uh huh.
2. the bell jar.
3. uh huh.
I just got more rejected than i really ever have been. The girl i am in love with doesnt even want to see me at all. It is really complicated. I just been cleaning alot. Which isnt me at all. But it seems to keep me sane. I think i might party hard tonight. Excessive drinking and similar things. i am getting my nose pierced...
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Have fun,...but remeber while there is beauty in excess there is nothing lovely about spending the next day praying to the porcelain god...
I dont go out of my way to write poetry...I just scribble stuff and make sure it has a flow...
Man did i go shopping the other day. I spent 300 on clothes. I bought vinyl pants, leather pants, bondage pants, bondage gear(collars cuffs etc), A trevor brown book, fishnet shirt, genitorturers shirt, alien sex fiend shirt, and a joy division shirt. Besides that i bought Wreath of Barbs by :wumpscut:, Thanks for the Ether by Rasputina, and Silence is Sexy by Einsrtzende neubauten. Yeah...
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Wow.. you did have a nice xmas! I really liked Of Human Bondage I read it years ago but I remember loving it, the descriptions were so vivid and alive. I'm glad things have been alright lately, you deserve it.
cloning...cells to help cure the already living?...yes
new people....I don't have enough information to decide yet
where would I go...Disneyland...can't ya see it?
Am I content with writing in pigs journal...yes
cloning...cells to help cure the already living?...yes
new people....I don't have enough information to decide yet
where would I go...Disneyland...can't ya see it?
Am I content with writing in pigs journal...yes
I cannot wait for his new years card...I dont know how he is gonna top the last years one. His new book is due out soon...*yay*
Well life has been interesting.(interestingly shitty that is). I dont want to get into it to much. I did get some the other day. That was alright. But the girl i am in love doesnt want to see me. For totlaly unrelated reasons. Completely depressing. But whatever. I got introduced to some really cool mexican industrial. That's right mexican industrial. The bands names are Cenobita...
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I had to let ya know that the Sex Gang Children will be in CA next month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they don't come to PDX I am saving up real quick and flying my ass to ca damnit!
medical fun is my favorite...did you get the one with the red liquid in the cross?
My life isnt all that bad. The other weekend i went to the art academy house, then to a bar. Over the course of the night i drank about 20 beers. So when i got back later i was talking to some girl about how trolls lived in my stomach and they were stealing my beer. Boy that was funny. I still havent seen kateri...
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Hey, congrats on the good mood! The prospect of having scytzophrenia blows, but, hey, you win some and you lose some. Hehehe.

A friend of mine in high school was schitzophrenic. His uncle was even worse, though. Used to come over and sit in the corner and talk to... something.
So, did you get your corset yet?
So, did you get your corset yet?
I am getting really sick of everything. My best friend stabs me in the back. The girl i love is gay. The job i have is shitty. I guess all i can do is watch taxi driver. It feels like my mind is slowly shutting down. I have spent this friday listening to wumpscut laying down. I want pain pills.
So do I. For what it's worth I know what it's like and you are not alone.
Yeah, demask makes some good stuff.
I'm also a big fan of marquis and house of whacks. Who else... Murray and Vern... there are a lot of good manufacturers out there.
I'm also a big fan of marquis and house of whacks. Who else... Murray and Vern... there are a lot of good manufacturers out there.