Well, my life lately just becomes more and more a downward spiral. I don't know how much i care about things anymore. But, anyway i just got back from camping. It was alright. I went with my friend Karlen and her new boyfriend vinni. My crime spree has ended. It was just some random car theft and other shit. It was fun. I am working on finding a piercing apprenticeship. I need to find some friends even if they are online types. I am so fucking bored sometimes. I think people think i am insane.(in a good way if that means anything)
If you want online friends you should answer your e-mail
...just teasing...Dead Alive, great movie...Bad Taste, yet another...so many more in that genre, ahhhh bad horror.

Some one hacked my email account and changed my password so my new one is baphomet1666@hotmail.com So if anyone sent me anything chances are i didn't get it