I love my job. I found out that my boss is a satanist. So i can talk to him all day about the occult, and hardly do any work. He introduced to alot of books i haven't read yet. So my book list is huge now.
There are so many cokeheads lurking around these days. It is getting on my nerves. If you want to destroy your body thats your business. But man when your best friend snorts 8 lines in 2 hours it not to cool. I don't really say anything. I personaly want a career somewhere down the line. Death isnt what i want.
I got new speakers today so that makes me alittle happy(even though i might loose my liscence for speeding) Sometimes i really wish i was in a relationship
1 Do any of you dabble in the occult, if you do what are your favorite groups or authors?
2 Does it bother you that this site is so popular all of the sudden? (asuming that you have been a member for a while)
3What should i do about my cokehead friends?
There are so many cokeheads lurking around these days. It is getting on my nerves. If you want to destroy your body thats your business. But man when your best friend snorts 8 lines in 2 hours it not to cool. I don't really say anything. I personaly want a career somewhere down the line. Death isnt what i want.
I got new speakers today so that makes me alittle happy(even though i might loose my liscence for speeding) Sometimes i really wish i was in a relationship
1 Do any of you dabble in the occult, if you do what are your favorite groups or authors?
2 Does it bother you that this site is so popular all of the sudden? (asuming that you have been a member for a while)
3What should i do about my cokehead friends?
It doesn't bother me that this site is so popular... personally, I hope we kick Playboy's ass pretty soon.
Cokehead friends are great, especially if you have friends who dabble in the occult, because you can sort of kill two birds with one stone by pawning the cokeheads off on the Satanists, and no one will really care when the fiends wind up dead and butchered, because frankly, these things often happen in seedy hotel rooms a la Scarface anyways. At least some religious purpose has been served, no?