Well, I did it. I'm blonde. Woot!!
I think it looks pretty cute. Although, about 2 days after I did it, my friggin roots started to show. Grrrr! That's the one thing I hate about being blonde. And it wasn't easy getting to this colour either. I had to bleach my hair 3 times and then put the blonde dye on. Let's just say my head was hurting for the next couple days. But now it's done and it's cute (i think so anyways). I'll probably change it in a few weeks anyways. I don't seem to stick with one hairstyle for longer than a month or two anyways.
I did alot of shopping yesterday. I bought some baby clothes for a girl at work. Let me just tell you, I saw the CUTEST thing EVER! They were little hoodies and sweat pant type outfits.....of Eeyore, Piglet and Pooh! I bought the Eeyore one for the girl at work. It has little ears on the hood AND little feet thingys at the bottom of the pants. I really wanted to buy the Piglet one for when(and if) I ever have kids but I thought I might be jinxing myself. Then I bought myself 2 super duper cute dresses. Now I'm excited. Maybe I'll wear one tonite. I'm going with Tricky to a street party thingy or something. It's on his brothers girlfriends street. I dunno details, I'm just going.
In other great news, it's one week today that Andywarlock will be here! Woot! I'm so happy! I just hope that I'm a good tour guide and he's not bored to death. If anyone wants to do anything the week of July 23- 30th just let me know. I know that myself and Andywarlock would enjoy it
Edited to add: I added some pics in a new folder of my bleaching process!
I think it looks pretty cute. Although, about 2 days after I did it, my friggin roots started to show. Grrrr! That's the one thing I hate about being blonde. And it wasn't easy getting to this colour either. I had to bleach my hair 3 times and then put the blonde dye on. Let's just say my head was hurting for the next couple days. But now it's done and it's cute (i think so anyways). I'll probably change it in a few weeks anyways. I don't seem to stick with one hairstyle for longer than a month or two anyways.
I did alot of shopping yesterday. I bought some baby clothes for a girl at work. Let me just tell you, I saw the CUTEST thing EVER! They were little hoodies and sweat pant type outfits.....of Eeyore, Piglet and Pooh! I bought the Eeyore one for the girl at work. It has little ears on the hood AND little feet thingys at the bottom of the pants. I really wanted to buy the Piglet one for when(and if) I ever have kids but I thought I might be jinxing myself. Then I bought myself 2 super duper cute dresses. Now I'm excited. Maybe I'll wear one tonite. I'm going with Tricky to a street party thingy or something. It's on his brothers girlfriends street. I dunno details, I'm just going.
In other great news, it's one week today that Andywarlock will be here! Woot! I'm so happy! I just hope that I'm a good tour guide and he's not bored to death. If anyone wants to do anything the week of July 23- 30th just let me know. I know that myself and Andywarlock would enjoy it

Edited to add: I added some pics in a new folder of my bleaching process!
31 hours, I am so nervous
I am here!!!!!!!!!!