Ok, so tonight Tricky and I went to the Weezer/Pixies show. It was pretty freakin good. Or should I say, Weezer was pretty freakin good. I didn't like the Pixies too much. That also could have been due to the fact that I was tired and my feet were KILLING me. I somehow thought it would be a good idea to wear my new shoes (which are totally cute by the way) and walk for like 20 minutes from where we parked to the actual concert. But yeah. Weezer was good. I liked it alot. And I got 2 shirts too! They are so cute. One is a yellow golf shirt thingy and the other is a green tshirt that says "I have a Weezer in my pocket.....and I'm happy to see you" hehe.
Earlier today I went shopping with Tricky and my 2 friends from work and I got 2 more totally cute shirts. Ok, I admit. I have a SERIOUS shopping problem. It's a crazy addiction. As if spending ALL of MY money isn't bad enough....it has now progressed to also spending ALL of Tricky's money too! oops!
The countdown begins! It is now 13 days until Andywarlock comes to see me! Woot!! I have a few Canadian sight seeing venues in mind....but I live here....so I don't know whats exciting.....Anybody have any suggestions??
My friend from work also wants me to come to her house tomorrow to dye my hair blonde. I have mixed feelings about this. When we were IN the store I got all excited and thought it was a good idea. But now, I am getting mixed feedback from people. Hmm. I REALLY like the red I have now too. And if I do it blonde, I will just have to redye it in a week or two anyways cuz my roots will be coming in pretty badly. What do you guys think??
Oh! I forgot to mention the MOST important thing of the day! We were walking into the concert, and I looked to my left and I saw this guy standing there. And he looked familiar. But he kept looking away before I could get a good look at him. At first I thought he musta been some guy I met on the internet or something (Cuz I spend ALL my time on here and never meet any real people in real places). Then it FINALLY hit me. He is on Degrassi:The next Generation!! Ok ok, I know. I'm a loser because I know that. But I freakin LOVE Degrassi. I love the orignals much much much much better. But I do find myself watching the new generation one quite frequently. Anyhoo....I dont know the name of the guy and I'mway too lazy to look. But he is the geeky brown haired guy with glasses. He's got bushy eyebrows and big lips. But he is SO freakin cute. I was going to try and fit him in my pocket but I dont think he would have liked that too much.
Earlier today I went shopping with Tricky and my 2 friends from work and I got 2 more totally cute shirts. Ok, I admit. I have a SERIOUS shopping problem. It's a crazy addiction. As if spending ALL of MY money isn't bad enough....it has now progressed to also spending ALL of Tricky's money too! oops!
The countdown begins! It is now 13 days until Andywarlock comes to see me! Woot!! I have a few Canadian sight seeing venues in mind....but I live here....so I don't know whats exciting.....Anybody have any suggestions??
My friend from work also wants me to come to her house tomorrow to dye my hair blonde. I have mixed feelings about this. When we were IN the store I got all excited and thought it was a good idea. But now, I am getting mixed feedback from people. Hmm. I REALLY like the red I have now too. And if I do it blonde, I will just have to redye it in a week or two anyways cuz my roots will be coming in pretty badly. What do you guys think??

Oh! I forgot to mention the MOST important thing of the day! We were walking into the concert, and I looked to my left and I saw this guy standing there. And he looked familiar. But he kept looking away before I could get a good look at him. At first I thought he musta been some guy I met on the internet or something (Cuz I spend ALL my time on here and never meet any real people in real places). Then it FINALLY hit me. He is on Degrassi:The next Generation!! Ok ok, I know. I'm a loser because I know that. But I freakin LOVE Degrassi. I love the orignals much much much much better. But I do find myself watching the new generation one quite frequently. Anyhoo....I dont know the name of the guy and I'mway too lazy to look. But he is the geeky brown haired guy with glasses. He's got bushy eyebrows and big lips. But he is SO freakin cute. I was going to try and fit him in my pocket but I dont think he would have liked that too much.

p.s.: Say hi to Tricky for me.