Ok, so what is going on with the world today? I have had some crazy online conversations in the past couple days. Here's the deal. I used to be a member of lavalife when I was in high school. I got an email from them a few days ago and I was bored at home so I decided to go on and renew my profile and such, just for the hell of it. Within like 5 seconds I have a mass amount of messages from crazy weirdos....including a 53 year old from Brampton who was glad that we live so close together cuz then it's easier for him to meet up with me and give me oral sex (or so he thinks....i mean EWWWW!! 53! He looks like my friend's dad!). So that freaked me out a bit. I stopped going on. Then, I've been trying to meet some girls. I'm bi curious...and shy....and a computer geek...so I figured doing online stuff is easier for me. I can handle rejection over the net...not face to face (like at bars). So, I started to go on womanline.com which is the same as lavalife except its mostly for women to meet other women. This is a great idea. I met some nice ladies...and saw some crazy horny girls that I tend to avoid. So here's the deal. I meet this girl today, we chat, I think things are going good. Our conversation was never really awkward, we had alot in common and what not. She didn't want anyone to know she was bi curious and whatever which I totally respect. So then, outta nowhere, she's all like "I need to be honest with you." And I've heard that line enough to know that nothing good can come outta this conversation. She then proceeds to tell me that she feels we don't have similar interests so if we ever went on outings it would be hard to find something that we could do together and blah blah blah. Rejected! I was like "Wtf.....ok..." And the worst thing about it was......we DID have stuff in common. So now I'm just confused. Whenever I was having troubles with guys I would say "Screw them....I'm going to be a lesbian!" but now the girls don't even like me! I know it's only one girl.....but it's hard to try something new and get rejected right off the bat. It's discouraging. *sigh*. Who wants to be my girlfriend? or something......I dunno. I swear I'm a nice girl!

My AIM connection just shut itself down for some strange reason. I'm sorry...and I will try to get back on ASAP.

I have MSN as well, but my AIM connection is working again. We can use what ever you prefer.