Let me just tell you how Fan-fucking-tastic it is when love, luck and fate are on your side. I seriously had got myself into a rut of dating no good losers for a while. I thought they were super cuz I was blinded by the "new relationship" crap, and even though SO many things bothered me about these individuals, I told myself that you have to "work on things" to make a relationship work so to just forget those things. Well, that was just me being a major silly pants. Because when someone who is right for you finally does come along.....it just amazes you. You don't have to tell yourself to get over stupid little things, you don't have to work extra hard to be that person who you think they want you to be. You can just be you...and they will be them...and all will be good.
I have met a whole whack load of people from that dating site Plenty Of Fish....some good, some bad, and some worse. I thought for sure that my luck had ended and I was just going to end up dating some reject who I could tolerate for the time being and I would die a sad old lady. But, this is not the case (or so i hope). Back in September, I met this really cool funky guy. We chatted a few times but nothing much came out of it. I don't know why, but we just never met up in person or whatever. So about a month ago, I was sitting at home alone on a Thursday night, being bored outta my mind. When who should come online? Yes, that Funky Guy. We chatted a bit and he told me he was going to Jam Night and that I should come along. Well this was at like 8 something, and I was on the early shift which meant getting up at 545am, so I wasn't too sure. But I went anyways. And he was fabulous. From the first second I met him, I knew there was something different about him, and in a GOOD way, finally. So the next night we went to 107. And the following night we went to a party at his friend's house. And so on and so on. We've been pretty much inseperable since. And it's freaking awesome. I can't even begin to explain how truly happy I am. He is just so great, in so many ways. And he continues to surprise me and make things better every day. We have so much in common, yet there's that little bit of differences between us that makes things new and interesting still. We're both funky and i love it. I can totally be myself around him and not have to worry about if he is judging me or thinks I'm "weird" like so many people do. And, the best part is, we can sit around for hours and hours and be doing absolutely nothing, besides talking or cuddling, and yet I'll still think of it as one of the best nights I've had.
So ya. I'm so happy and grateful that something like this has finally come along for me. It's about freakin time I'd say. But, you know what? If I hadn't gone through all that other shit with those other people, or the timing had been different between us, I wouldn't be where I was today. It's true what they say though. Good things come when you're not looking for them. And it is so so true. So yeah. That's my little blab on love and such. Sorry for the sappy update. I just can't help it.
I have met a whole whack load of people from that dating site Plenty Of Fish....some good, some bad, and some worse. I thought for sure that my luck had ended and I was just going to end up dating some reject who I could tolerate for the time being and I would die a sad old lady. But, this is not the case (or so i hope). Back in September, I met this really cool funky guy. We chatted a few times but nothing much came out of it. I don't know why, but we just never met up in person or whatever. So about a month ago, I was sitting at home alone on a Thursday night, being bored outta my mind. When who should come online? Yes, that Funky Guy. We chatted a bit and he told me he was going to Jam Night and that I should come along. Well this was at like 8 something, and I was on the early shift which meant getting up at 545am, so I wasn't too sure. But I went anyways. And he was fabulous. From the first second I met him, I knew there was something different about him, and in a GOOD way, finally. So the next night we went to 107. And the following night we went to a party at his friend's house. And so on and so on. We've been pretty much inseperable since. And it's freaking awesome. I can't even begin to explain how truly happy I am. He is just so great, in so many ways. And he continues to surprise me and make things better every day. We have so much in common, yet there's that little bit of differences between us that makes things new and interesting still. We're both funky and i love it. I can totally be myself around him and not have to worry about if he is judging me or thinks I'm "weird" like so many people do. And, the best part is, we can sit around for hours and hours and be doing absolutely nothing, besides talking or cuddling, and yet I'll still think of it as one of the best nights I've had.
So ya. I'm so happy and grateful that something like this has finally come along for me. It's about freakin time I'd say. But, you know what? If I hadn't gone through all that other shit with those other people, or the timing had been different between us, I wouldn't be where I was today. It's true what they say though. Good things come when you're not looking for them. And it is so so true. So yeah. That's my little blab on love and such. Sorry for the sappy update. I just can't help it.

awww...i'm so happy for you that you've met someone who will allow you to be yourself and who you have that spark with. i finally met my fiancee in person after months of talking online and nearly giving up on the whole online dating thing. he came along just when i needed him and i totally believe in fate now. i always used to ask others the question "how do you know when you are with the right person?"...and i always got the answer "when you know you know" which i thougth was pretty lame. but now i realize...when you know you know.